Delegation of Authority: Special Course Fees (SYS 825)


System policy last revised 11/07/2022

The Chancellor or designee(s) must approve all special course fees and must document and maintain records of that approval. Each institution should develop a standard approval process. Institutions shall notify students of all approved special course fees in the university catalog/bulletin and/or timetable/class schedule prior to registration.
DELEGATION TO: Provost or the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
COMMENT: Deans shall submit Special Course Fees (SCF) application to establish, change, or eliminate SCF to Provost. SCF must include a justification complying with the policy paper. Both Provost and Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance must approve all Special Course Fees submitted by the Deans. The Chancellor will review and approve SCF during the annual budget process. The Provost's Office will forward approved fees to Cashier for incorporation into the billing process.



Article ID: 11881
Thu 3/28/24 4:12 PM
Thu 8/1/24 1:43 PM