Delegation of Authority: Tuition and Fee Policies for Credit Instruction (SYS 805)


System policy last revised 11/13/2023 credit-instruction/

Exceptions to any of the stated provisions due to extraordinary circumstances can be made only by the chancellor or the chancellor's designee(s). Any delegation of authority should be in writing and maintained in the designees' offices. Documentation justifying exceptions should be maintained. Blanket exceptions are not authorized.

DELEGATION TO: Provost or Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
COMMENT: Will provide the first exception for a student

DELEGATION TO: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
COMMENT: Will approve any exceptions following the first

COMMENT: May make a single exception based upon a student emergency

DELEGATION TO: Director of Student Financials
COMMENT: May make a single exception based upon a student emergency

Payment in Full

Students may be assessed a late fee not to exceed $100 if payment of tuition and fees currently due is made after the established due date. At the institution option, the late fee may be prorated for students less than full-time. The late fee shall be deposited to Fund 128. The chancellor or designee has the option of reducing or waiving the fee on an individual or group basis.

DELEGATION TO: Provost or the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

DELEGATION TO: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or Director of Student Financials  
COMMENT: Authority to waive Late Payment Penalty

In those instances in which a student can document nonattendance at the institution after having enrolled in one or more courses, the student shall be assessed fees equal to 20% of the original fees due, reduced to resident rates, plus the late payment fee.

​​​​​​​COMMENT: Authority to waive 20% fee and / or the late payment fee.



Article ID: 11888
Thu 3/28/24 4:51 PM
Thu 8/1/24 2:06 PM