Delegation of Authority: Patent Policy (SYS 1315)


Delegation of Authority

A substantial portion of research performed at UW System institutions is funded by outside parties through formal grants and contracts, with various federal agencies constituting the majority research funding source. In addition, other contractual agreements may apply to research conducted by UW System Institutions, such as a 2317 collaboration agreements or material transfer agreements.

All inventions discovered by faculty, staff, or students on an appointment while pursuing their university duties, or on university premises, or with university supplies or equipment must be reported to the chancellor or designee or the appropriate Intellectual Property Management Organization (IPMO). UW Platteville would report to WiSys Technology Foundation (WiSys).

Each Institution must secure written agreements from all employees engaged in sponsored research projects, other than clerical and nontechnical employees, to disclose promptly in writing any invention subject to this policy to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters at the institution.

DELEGATION TO: Deans/Division Heads
COMMENT: Responsible to report discovery or invention to Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.

DELEGATION TO: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
COMMENT: Make judgement about the relationship of reported discovery or invention to the purpose of any grant or contract. Determination if an obligation to a grantor exists, and if so, takes steps to insure obligations are fulfilled.

Non-federal Extramural Support, the patent expectations of the many non-Federal funding sources of university research vary. That fact plus the frequent practice of using funds from more than one source in support of a given research project plan can place an inventor in an ambiguous and even conflicting position with several sponsors.

Upon disclosure, all inventions are subject to equity review by the chancellor (or designee) to determine rights in the invention based on the obligations associated with any funding sources or any other contractual terms that affect rights in the invention.

DELEGATION TO: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
COMMENT: Make determination if any contractual obligation to grantor exists (Federally funded or Non-Federally funded) and to take steps to insure obligations are fulfilled. A full review of copyrights and patents will be made.





Article ID: 12105
Tue 4/9/24 9:47 AM
Thu 8/1/24 1:19 PM