Zoom - Virtual office hours in Canvas


A guide to setting up Zoom virtual office hours inside of a Canvas course.


  1. Log into your Canvas course
  2. Click on the Zoom tab (left hand side)

  3. Click “Schedule a New Meeting”

  4. Name the meeting “Online Office Hours”
  5. Check “Recurring meeting”
  6. Under “Recurrence” drop-down select “No fixed time”

  7. Check "waiting room" if you want to ensure only one (1) person is in there at a time

  8. Make sure “Enable join before host” is disabled (unchecked)
  9. Click Save

Under an announcement, you can post your office hours and then instruct them to click on the "Zoom" tab and join the "Online Office Hours" meeting during the posted time.  If you want them to schedule office hours with you outside of your posted times, they should do this through Outlook and have them join the "Online Office Hours" during the scheduled time.

Need help?

If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or helpdesk@uwplatt.edu.  You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.



Article ID: 12904
Thu 5/23/24 2:32 PM
Tue 7/9/24 3:21 PM