Policy: Use of Facilities and Grounds


University Policy: Facilities
Date Revised: June 28, 2021. Title and name updates on May 24, 2024. 
Date Effective: December 7, 2020

Responsible University Official: Chancellor
Policy Owner: Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance 
Policy Contact: Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance 


This policy sets forth the policies governing the use of all campus facilities (buildings and surrounding and connecting grounds). Non-University groups may use facilities only upon the invitation of or under the sponsorship of a university department or organization as specified in Chapter UWS 21 of Wisconsin Administrative Code.


This policy includes procedures for securing permission to use university facilities, information about the costs and rental fees for use of the facilities, and a description of any limitations concerning the time of availability and manner of the uses of the institutional facilities.


The policy is prepared with the scope and authority of Chapters UWS 21 and UWS 18 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. Per UWS 21.06, each institution shall develop procedures for administering UWS 21 to include:

  1. Procedures for securing permission to use university facilities;
  2.  a schedule of the costs and rental fees, if any, assessed for use of the facilities, and
  3.  a description of any limitations concerning the time of availability and manner of the uses of the institutional facilities.


  • Base Rate: The recommended rental fee basis set by Facilities of $.01/square foot/hour as an estimate of costs associated with operating University space.

  • Building Schedule: a schedule that defines the designated hours of operation in which a building is normally open to the public. Hours are published on the relevant university webpages. Building hours for Ullsvik vary according to scheduled events.

  • Scheduling Authority or designee (designated by the scheduling authority): The individual who has authority and responsibility to schedule assigned facilities in accordance with conditions described in this and other applicable laws or policies.  Appendix B is a list of scheduling authorities for UW-Platteville.

  • Event Classification: For the purpose of determining rental charges, events are classified into four categories as described in UWS 21:
  1. Organizations associated with UW-Platteville where no revenue is produced
  2. Organizations associated with UW-Platteville where revenue is produced
  3. Organizations not associated with UW-Platteville where no revenue is produced
  4. Organizations not associated with UW-Platteville where revenue is produced
  • Large Event Advanced Planning (LEAP): A planning process required for the following types of events:
  1. Events that require more than two university services (e.g. dining and police)
  2. Events that involve external guests, government officials, Board of Regent officials, or high-profile events.
  3. When multiple rooms and/or spaces within multiple buildings are needed.
  4. When an event is run or managed by an off-campus organization.
  5. Large campus events such as commencement and career fairs
  6. Other large-scale events as defined in this policy

The LEAP process begins when a client contacts Events Reservations.

  • Large-scale Events: are events that are anticipated to involve more than 250 attendees, and/or either of the following   
  1. Require the closure of parking lots, streets, and/or buildings (or portions thereof) campus walkways, thoroughfares, and/or other outdoor spaces on or adjacent to campus whether at the request of the event sponsor or participants or ad directed by any law enforcement agency, including the UW-Platteville Police Department, and/or
  2. Is reasonably likely to substantially disrupt the core academic activities of the university.
  • Outside Organizations: As referenced in Chapter UWS 21, these are organizations not associated with UW-Platteville.

  • Registered Affiliated Organization: An organization associated with the university that is an officially registered student organization, staff group, an administrative or academic unit of UW-Platteville, and the primary fundraising foundation.

  • Sponsored Group or Organization: an outside group or organization that has permission (according to policy) to use the university facilities because of sponsorship by a university-associated administrative or academic unit, or  registered student organization. Sponsorship includes the assumption of responsibility for the activity, including fiscal responsibility, and active involvement in the event. Questions about whether an organization will be considered a sponsored organization will be decided by the appropriate scheduling authority.

  • University Facilities: all publicly owned or leased buildings and grounds of the State of Wisconsin, which are subject to the custody and control of the UW Board of Regents and UW-Platteville.

  • University-Related Use: Use by an employee of the university within the scope of his or her duties and responsibilities to the university or use by an administrative or academic unit of the university in furtherance of its responsibilities to and functions for the university. University-related uses comprise the official business of UW-Platteville.


The facilities and grounds of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville (“university” or “UW-Platteville”) are to be used primarily in furtherance of the university’s purposes, including its missions as an educational institution and in a manner consistent with the facilities’ intended functions. University facilities may be used only if such use does not detract from the university’s purposes for the facility, the missions of the university, and the intended functions of the facility. Uses that promote the university’s missions of teaching, research, and public service will receive special consideration. Acceptable use of university facilities and grounds are outlined within this policy.

Facilities of the university are not available for unrestricted use by non-university groups. Program appropriateness and facility appropriateness are primary considerations in scheduling and shall be based upon the following:

  1. Space Assignment Usage
    Each facility has been designed for a primary function such as instruction, instruction-related programs, research activities, and public service. The university regulates the use of space to ensure that it is being used for its function and to aid in assuring overall development of program and activity planning. (See Appendix A)

  2. Facility Scheduling
    Activities scheduled within facilities will be permitted according to priorities established by the scheduling authorities as presented in Appendix A. The priorities for use of campus facilities vary according to the facility type and may include timelines and calendar restrictions for specific facilities.

  3. Scheduling Authorities 
    Scheduling of specific facilities at UW-Platteville is delegated by the Chancellor to facility scheduling authorities identified in Appendix B. Scheduling authorities may determine whether to permit use of a facility based on Chapter UWS 21, Chapter UWS 18, Regent Policy Document 4-21, state and federal laws, and this policy. Determination of facility use should relate to a legitimate university interest and may not be based upon the political, ideological, religious, or philosophical values of a group or individual requesting use of a facility. The designated university officials responsible for each facility shall ensure that this policy is followed, and that each facility develops individualized procedures consistent with this policy.

  4. Demonstrations/Expressive Activity on Campus 
    UW-Platteville is committed to academic freedom and freedom of expression and acts in accordance with Regent Policy Document 4-21 (Commitment to Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression).  Students and employees are permitted to spontaneously assemble and engage in free speech or expressive activity as long as such activity does not materially and substantively disrupt the educational mission, operations or functions of the University. Additionally, university administrators, faculty, and other instructors are responsible for maintaining order. Accordingly, access to university facilities for purposes of free speech and expression shall occur within the limits of reasonable viewpoint-neutral and content-neutral restrictions on time, place, and manner of expression and the provisions of Chapters UWS 17UWS 18, and UWS 21. University employees shall not consider the content or viewpoint of expressive activities when enforcing this policy. Assemblies, rallies, parades, pickets and demonstrations are normally considered exterior or outdoor activities. UWS 18 regulates use of University lands as well as conduct on or the use of facilities.  Under UWS 18.07(5) and UWS 18.11(4-5), restrictions on the use of University property include, but may not be limited to:

  • No hindering of entrance, exit, or normal use of facilities
  • No unauthorized entrance into private office spaces
  • No hindering of movement within stairways, corridors, etc.
  • No signs supported by sticks or standards
  • No intentional noise that interferes with sponsored or authorized activities
  • No intentional employment of force or violence against individuals or property
  1. Cost Reimbursement and Rental Fees
    Reimbursement costs and rental fees shall be established by the scheduling authorities (see Appendix B) in accordance with Chapter UWS 21, which distinguishes between organizations that are associated and are not associated with the university and whether the activities generate revenue (see UWS 21.03 and UWS 21.04). 

    1. Establishment of Fees for Use of Facilities and Grounds The scheduling authority for a designate space (see Appendix B) shall establish and publish rental rates for a space and shall facilitate invoicing for fees associated with use of the space. Scheduling authorities shall consider the following in establishing fees for use of facilities and grounds:

      Academic Buildings and Facilities

      1. The base rate ($.01/square foot/hour) for all facilities to cover the cost of heat, electricity, insurance, water, etc., is generally be applied to common classroom type facilities.

      2. A special facilities rate is the base rate plus an additional amount to cover costs associated with special facilities such as laboratories, auditoriums, physical education and athletic facilities, etc.

      3. The base rate will be reviewed by the Director of Facilities Management and changes will be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance. 

Auxiliary Buildings and Facilities 

  1. Assessed fees for auxiliary facilities shall not exceed the base rate. No student fee funds shall be used to cover the rental fees for space in auxiliary facilities.
  2. Rental rates for auxiliary facilities will be developed by the executive director of student life and approved by the Vice Chancellor Administration & Finance. 
  3. ​​​​​​​
  1. Determination of Fees Related to Type of Event and Organization Requesting Use
    1. Registered student organizations or university departments sponsoring events open to students and staff if the event is part of the regularly scheduled program series of the university will not be assessed reimbursement costs of using the facility, however, set-up, cleanup, and other special charges may be assessed.
    2. Events scheduled by registered student organizations or a university department for the sole purpose of conducting an activity relating specifically to their program purpose will not result in charges unless set-up, clean up, staffing, special charges, or off hours involved.
    3. Events relating specifically to UW-Platteville classroom instruction and/or administrative operations will generally be allowed without charge for use of state-funded facilities.
    4. Events scheduled that do not relate to the specific program purpose of the registered student organization or the university department may result in rental charges being assessed.

C.    Additional Charges for Use of Facilities and Grounds

  1. Security-related charges may be applied to large-scale events (defined by this policy) and/or events requiring the Large Event Advanced Planning (LEAP) process. The University may charge the organizer/sponsor/individual for additional costs and expenses incurred for reasons such as security, staffing, equipment or property.  Such charges will be assessed in advance, if possible. The University and the party will sign a separate agreement to identify the additional needs and estimated additional costs prior to the event or activity.
  2. Charges may be assessed when equipment is moved from a location from which it is typically stored.
  3. Charges may be assessed for damages beyond wear and tear, and for repair or replacement of items.
  4. Rental fees will be reviewed annually by the department administrator and/or the Vice-Chancellor for Administration & Finance


6.  Use of Funds Collected

Funds collected through the implementation of this policy are to be placed in the appropriate general or program revenue account. Funds from the program revenue account should be used in the following ways:

  1. Direct personnel support charges that were involved in the rental should be made against the account.
  2. Scheduling authorities may request to use funds to replace equipment, repair damages, make renovations, etc.
  3. Direct pay to custodial, maintenance, or security staff members is not permitted.

7.  Requirements for Use of Facilities and Grounds

  1. Activities scheduled during times when the facility is not ordinarily open or staffed require special coordination efforts with the appropriate scheduling authority, physical plant, and university police personnel.
  2. Use must take into consideration the university’s overall resources and concerns for campus security.
  3. Sponsorship by a registered university organization is required for non-university-related individuals or groups.
  4. Outside groups or organizations using university facilities or grounds must designate a person to be accountable for payment of all charges, and who will be responsible for signing the facility use contract.
  5. A facility use agreement is required for non-university-related individuals or groups.
  6. The university shall recover appropriate costs associated with the use of a university facility and may charge additional rental charges.

          This policy shall be reviewed and revised as needed with approval of the Chancellor or designee.

8.  Risk and Liability

The university shall manage the risks and potential liability associated with the use of each university facility, using the risk management techniques of avoidance, mitigation, transfer and acceptance. Depending on the nature of the group or organization (i.e. affiliated, sponsored, third party) utilizing the space as well as the planned activity a different technique or several techniques may be used.

 Potential Required Documents:

  • Hold Harmless Form
  • Facility Use Agreement
  • Certificate of Insurance

The above requires the user or participants to indemnify and hold harmless the Board of Regents, University and its officers and employees from any course of action or liability for injuries, illness, or death of persons in the employment or guest of the sponsored organization or group for the damage, loss or theft of property of such persons.

9.  Cancellation of Event

The University reserves the right to cancel, delay or change the date and time of any event or activity that will be held on campus property if there are legitimate reasons that warrant this action, such as illness, accident, or a force majeure event, including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of nature, severe weather, epidemic, pandemic, public health order, quarantine restrictions, acts of the public enemy, acts of the government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, and strikes. If such action is taken, the University will notify the sponsoring party or entity as soon as possible prior to the scheduled event, depending on the specific circumstances.  The University will also determine whether the situation warrants the reimbursement of any costs or expenses that have been incurred by either the University or sponsoring party or entity.

In addition to the above, the Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance shall have the authority to cancel an event upon receiving credible information that the prior or current statements or conduct of a group that plans to use and/or is using university facilities or grounds are direct to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and are likely to incite or produce such action or that the group has made "true threats" as that term is defined by law against members of the campus community. The determination shall not be made based on the political, ideological, religious, or philosophical values of the user groups.

The Chancellor or designee may take any final or official action to ensure the health and safety of the campus community in accordance with Wis. Stat. Chapter 36, UW System Board of Regent policy, UW System Administrative policy or University of Wisconsin-Platteville policy.


Requesting Use of University Facilities and Grounds

  1. Requests for use of university facilities and grounds directly related to academic use shall be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
  2. Requests for non-academic use of university facilities shall contact Event Services to initiate the request.
  3. Depending on the location of the facility or grounds being requested, Event Services may direct the requestee to the appropriate scheduling authority. Examples include requests for use of the University Farm, Pioneer Field House, and facilities and grounds at branch campus locations.
  4. Individuals or groups interested in using UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County campus facilities and grounds should contact the administrative director - operation oversight. 


Scheduling Authority

Prior to allowing non-university directed use of facilities, the scheduling authorities (see Appendix B) are strongly encouraged to facilitate the use of UW-Platteville facilities, consistent with this policy, by completing each of the following steps as soon as practicable after the effective date of this policy. A scheduling authority must comply with each of the following steps prior to allowing a facility to be used in a manner that is not university-directed. A scheduling authority is responsible for:

  1. Coordinating university-directed uses of facilities
  2. Determining whether it is feasible for the space to be made available for uses that are not university related.
  3. Establish written rules for the use of space to include:
  1. Periods or times the space is available
  2. Any restrictions on the use of the facility
  3. Priorities for use of space (see Appendix A)
  4. A schedule of fees consistent with the base-rate outlined in this policy.
  5. Procedures for reviewing individual requests for the use of space, including the position of the person designated to process such requests

The rules established by a scheduling authority for any space should relate to a legitimate university interest. Also, the rules may not discriminate between user groups based on their political, ideological, religious, or philosophical values. The Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance should review a scheduling authority’s written rules prior to their implementation.


Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
Chris Patton

Executive Director, Auxiliary Services
Mike Ernst

Administrative Director - Operational Oversight of Baraboo Sauk County
Stephen Swallen 

Associate Facilities Director and University Engineer
John Niehaus
Katrina Hecimovic

Manager, Environmental Health and Safety
Scott Lanphear


Appendix A: Priorities for Use of Facilities (see below)

Appendix B: Scheduling Authority (see below)

UWS 21: Use of University Facilities

UWS 18: Conduct on University Lands

Regent Policy Document 4-21:Commitment to Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression

Contact Tables Policy

Reservation Policies

UW-Platteville Alcohol and Other Drug Policies

Tenant User Liability Insurance Policy Form (TULIP)


2009 - Published 
12/07/2020 - Revised policy approved after review by stakeholders, governance, and senior leadership 
02/18/2021 - Technical edits to address branch campus operations/oversight 
06/28/21 - Technical edits to address organizational changes in Athletics impacting Appendix B.
May 2024 - technical edits to address reorganization and titles updates


Appendix A: Priorities for Use of Facilities

The priorities for use of facilities vary according to the facility type and may include timelines and calendar restrictions for specific facilities. The letter in front of the described space indicates the general level of priority given to the activity or user group (with “a” being the highest priority) for various facilities on campus:

 1. Instructional Buildings/Spaces, Savides Library (Baraboo Campus)

  1. Instruction: Lecture Space, Labs, and Studios (Music and Art)
  2. Open Labs and Independent Study
  3. Educational Programs, i.e., Conferences, Workshops, etc.
  4. Non-University Groups and/or Organizations

2. Center for the Arts (CFA), Fine Arts Building (Baraboo Campus)

  1. Music and Fine Arts Instruction
  2. Plays and Music Activities that are part of the University Programs
  3. Other Instruction
  4. University Activities
  5. Lecture
  6. Non-University Groups and/or Organizations

3. Pioneer Student Center, Glenview Commons & Ullsvik Center Velzy Commons, Lange Center (Baraboo Campus)

  1. Food Service functions have priority in what is generally a food service facility
  2. University activities where food is served
  3. University activities/lectures where food is NOT served
  4. University Registered Student Groups and Organizations
  5. University and Administration Groups and/or Organizations
  6. Non-University Groups and/or Organizations

4. Harry & Laura Nohr Gallery

  1. Arts Programming
  2. University activities where food is served
  3. University activities/lectures where food is NOT served
  4. University Registered Student Groups and Organizations
  5. University and Administration Groups and/or Organizations
  6. Non-University Groups and/or Organizations

5. Grounds

  1. Normal Traffic and Lounging
  2. Open Recreation
  3. Instruction and Related Activities
  4. Other Activates

6. Health & Physical Education Facilities, Athletic Fields, Ralph E. Davis Pioneer Stadium, Pioneer Activity Center

  1. Physical Education Classes
  2. Varsity Games and Practices
  3. Intramural Athletics
  4. University Events and Activities
  5. Open Recreation
  6. Club Sport Activities
  7. Administrative Events
  8. Other Events

7. Memorial Park, The “M,” Gardens and Gazebo

  1. Normal Traffic and Lounging
  2. University Events and Activities
  3. Non-University Events and Activities

8. Residence Life Facilities

  1. User Fee Students: Students under contract for use of residence halls
  2. University groups paying for use of facilities
  3. Non-University groups paying for the use of facilities
  4. University Groups not paying for use of facilities

9. Living and Learning Center at the Pioneer Farm

  1. User Fee Students: Students under contract for use of residence halls
  2. University groups paying for use of facilities
  3. Non-University groups paying for the use of facilities
  4. University Groups not paying for use of facilities

10. Pioneer Farm

  1. Instruction: Lecture Space, Labs, and Studios (Music and Art)
  2. Open Labs and Independent Study
  3. Educational Programs, i.e., Conferences, Workshops, etc.
  4. Non-University Groups and/or Organizations

11. Shops and Maker Spaces (To be determined by College Deans or designees)

Appendix B: Scheduling Authority
Platteville Campus:


Scheduling Authority

Athletic Game Fields

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

Center for the Arts (CFA)

Executive Director, Auxiliary Services

Dottie and Manzel John’s Pioneer Gardens

Director of the School of Agriculture

Dottie and Manzel John’s Pioneer Gazebo

Executive Director, Auxiliary Services


Director of Facilities Management


Director of the School of Agriculture


Director of Facilities Management

Health & Physical Education Classrooms in Williams Fieldhouse (After 3:00 p.m.)

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

Health & Physical Education Classrooms in Williams Fieldhouse (Before 3:00 p.m.)




Instructional Space





Department Chairs

Cooper Living and Learning Center


Markee Pioneer Student Center

Director of Markee Pioneer Student Center

Memorial Park

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

Nohr Gallery

Executive Director, Auxiliary Services

Pioneer Activity Center

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

Pioneer Farm

Director of Pioneer Farm

Practice Fields

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

Recreation Facilities

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

          Basketball Courts in Memorial Park

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

          Disc Golf Course

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

          Intramural/Club Sports Fields

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

          Miners Field

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

          Outdoor Volleyball Courts


          Softball/Baseball Complex

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration

The “M”

Director of Facilities Management

Ullsvik Hall - Velzy Commons

Executive Director, Auxiliary Services

Williams Fieldhouse

Associate Athletic Director for Sport Administration


Baraboo-Sauk County Campus:


Scheduling Authority

Umhoefer Classroom and Administrative Building

Administrative Director - Operational Oversight of Baraboo Sauk County

Lange Center Building

Savides Library

Fine Arts Building

Campus Grounds


Other Campus Buildings




Article ID: 12914
Fri 5/24/24 9:46 AM
Tue 6/11/24 10:31 AM