UW-Platteville Naming Policy


Date Revised: December 2023
Date Effective: December 2023

Responsible University Official(s): 
Executive Director of UW-Platteville Foundation

Policy Owner: 
UW-Platteville Foundation
Communications Department

Policy Contact:
Executive Director of UW-Platteville Foundation
Communications Director


The purpose of this policy is to protect the assets and reputation of University of Wisconsin-Platteville (hereafter referred as UW-Platteville) by providing guidelines for determining naming gift levels and space values based on research of industry-wide best practices. Following a set of standards for determining naming gift values helps to ensure consistency across the University. This document provides guidance on the types of gifts (i.e., outright, pledges) that meet general standards in support of naming opportunities, and guidelines for the gift levels required for specific naming opportunities and how to address any proposed variances from these standards. In addition, the policy clarifies expectations as related to the continued recognition for previously named buildings, facilities, and land.

Failure to adhere to the provisions of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action as provided under existing procedures applicable to students, faculty, and staff, and/or civil or criminal prosecution.


This policy applies to the naming of facilities, academic units, buildings, spaces, and/or land owned or otherwise controlled by UW-Platteville, including the branch campus of Baraboo Sauk County.


The naming of University facilities, areas within buildings or other University structures is done to honor a person or entity who has had a significant impact on the history, tradition, and success of the UW-Platteville. The act of naming signifies a deep sense of respect and gratitude from the University towards the honoree, acknowledging their invaluable contributions in furthering the progress of the institution. Since the naming is intended to be a lasting tribute, great care should be taken to ensure that the honor is commensurate with the actions of the honoree.


Academic Unit: This is defined as a school, college, department, program, center, or similar unit within UW-Platteville.

Comprehensive Campaign: A comprehensive campaign is a targeted fundraising effort that takes place over a defined period of time. (also referenced as Capital Campaigns in some instances)

Other Legal Entities: This includes any for-profit business or non-profit organization, foundation, trust, or any similar non-university organization.


The Board of Regents has approved Policy 19-14 NAMING OR DEDICATING OF UNIVERSITY FACILITIES (included below), and it is important that individuals or groups who want to forward a name for consideration be aware of campus and Board of Regents policies and procedures.

Per the Regent Policy Document 19-14 (formerly 96-1), it is expected that UW institutions negotiate naming rights as one facet of a development strategy to leverage private support for the benefit of the university. In addition, 19-14 includes Regent Policy Document 4-19 NAMING OF UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC UNITS (included below) to provide criteria when naming academic units (for example, schools and colleges).

As such, facilities, buildings, land, and academic units are covered by this policy may be named for individuals, corporations, or other legal entities. This policy also addresses naming of non-capital projects.


UW-Platteville Naming Guidelines

The following procedure is intended to complement the Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents Policy 19-14 and Policy 4-19.

  1. Per Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents Policy 19-14 and Policy 4-19, the naming of an entire building or the naming of a college or school within UW-Platteville must be brought to the Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents for formal approval.
    1. The Chancellor shall submit support for these requests to the appropriate UW System Office and then to the full Board of Regents for discussion in a closed session at least one month before requesting formal Regent action.
      1. If the naming requires Board of Regent action, the Chancellor will consult with the Campus Planning Committee and/or Naming Committee before endorsing the naming and forwarding the request to the Regents.
      2. The Chancellor will consult with Campus Planning Committee and/or Naming Committee to review naming requests that are delegated to the campus. The time for approval varies depending on the type of naming request under consideration and may take two to three months.
    2. Any proposed naming agreement for a school or college shall be reviewed by the Universities of Wisconsin Office of General Counsel to ensure compliance with Policy 4-19 and any applicable law.
  1. The Chancellor is authorized to name facilities when the naming involves less than an entire building, such as rooms, wings, or exterior amenities, or if the naming involves a university structure or grounds area.
    1. In addition, the Chancellor is delegated the authority to name departments, programs, and centers, or other academic units other than colleges or schools.
    2. Examples of facilities that may be named include sections of buildings, laboratories, classrooms, foyers, exterior areas, works of art, lounges, libraries, meeting rooms, theatres, offices, galleries, athletic facilities, and dining areas.
    3. The offices of the Chancellor and the Provost must be informed of the names and spaces under consideration before a commitment is made and a formal request for approval is submitted to their offices.
      1. Exception: Pre-approved naming opportunities that are used for a marketing campaign as defined in the section, “Procedure for Naming Facilities and Spaces as the Result of a Financial Gift.”
    4. At all times, an effort should be made to sufficiently consider the name of women and minorities in the naming process.
  1. Usage of Logos and Branding
    1. Any individual, corporation, or other legal entity for which a UW facility, building or parcel of land is named is prohibited from using the name, logo, or other component of branding of the Universities of Wisconsin or any UW institution as a commercial endorsement or for advertising. University exterior or way-finding signage shall not include the logo or other components of branding, with the exception of the corporation or legal entity’s name
    2. Logo and Branding can be used when the naming involves less than an entire building, facility, or parcel of land, such as rooms, wings, laboratories, or exterior amenities.
    3. When a plaque is requested, plaque designs, size, and placement must follow the design specifications of the building in which it resides and be approved by the Communications Director or a designee.
  1. Comprehensive Campaigns
    1. When a university program intends to designate specific naming opportunities as part of a comprehensive campaign for a new or renovated facility, the Dean/Director must review the campaign naming opportunities with the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost prior to the start of the campaign.
  1. Name Removals
    1. The Chancellor is authorized to approve the removal of a name when the naming involves less than an entire building as allowed in Policy 19-14. In addition, the Chancellor retains the authority to remove or change the name of a department, program, or center, or academic unit other than a college and school in cases where the academic unit is subject to approval by the Chancellor as allowed in Policy 4-19.
      1. Name removal may be considered under the following circumstances:
        1. If the area named is demolished or is no longer to be used for the university's benefit.
        2. If the function of the facility changes to the extent that the purpose for the naming no longer is relevant.
        3. If the living individual or entity engages in activities that conflict with the University's values or that reflect negatively or adversely upon or cause embarrassment to the University.
        4. If the donor is no longer in compliance with the memorandum of understanding.
        5. If the prior approved naming violates University policies or procedures.
        6. If other extraordinary circumstances arise.
    2. If the name removal is for an entire building, school, or college, this request must be brought to the Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents for formal approval. The UW System Board of Regents retains the authority to remove or change a name of a building, college, or school if:
      1. The name presents a risk to the institution’s reputation.
      2. If the donor or sponsor fails to meet the financial obligations of the naming agreement.
      3. As otherwise deemed necessary by the Board, including but not limited to, the circumstances outlined in Section 5ai above.
    3.  The Board of Regents also retains the authority to remove or change a name of any academic unit named for a corporation or other legal authority.
  1. Naming designated for a building or space exists as follows:
    1. For entities and in memorial naming’s, the term is for the useful life of the structure, typically 20 years.
      1. Upon renewal, the original naming will have first opportunity to extend before other opportunities are considered.
    2. For legacy naming opportunities, the term is for lifetime +10 years.
    3. Limited term naming opportunities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  1. Two tracks exist for the naming of a facility or space depending on whether the naming is honorary or the result of a financial gift. 
  1. Naming Facilities and Spaces in Honor of a Person or Entity
  2. Naming Facilities and Spaces as the Result of a Financial Gift
  1. Both tracks for naming of a facility or space will need all requests to be submitted in writing for review to the UW-Platteville Naming Committee as defined in their respective sections.
    1. The Naming Committee will consist of:
      1. Executive Director of UW-Platteville Foundation (chair)
      2. Communications Director
      3. Provost/Vice Chancellor of Provost and Academic Affairs
      4. Chair of the Faculty Senate, or designee
      5. Chair of the Campus Planning Committee, or designee
      6. Other individuals as designated by the Chancellor
        1. In most circumstances, the naming of rooms and smaller spaces will be including the dean of the school or college responsible for the spaces, or designee.
        2. In some instances, approval may be required by more than one dean or by a vice chancellor if the room or space is under more than one school’s or college’s authority.
        3. Other instances may include examples such as the Dean of Students or representatives from various divisions and departments, on a case-by-case basis.


Procedure for Naming Facilities and Spaces in Honor of a Person or Entity

  1. Customarily persons may be recognized only after their death when a Naming is done in Honor of a Person or Entity without a financial gift.
    1. The person(s) should have appropriate knowledge of and/or connections to the individual or entity being recommended so as to make an informed recommendation regarding the appropriateness of the honor.
    2. These requests require a thorough explanation of the reasoning in order to ensure consistency and equity for all donors. To start the formal approval process, a request submission should include the following:
      1. A brief biography of the person or entity to be honored by the naming.
      2. Why the naming is being proposed.
      3. How the naming meets Board of Regent/campus criteria.
    3. Exceptions
      1. There are occasions when an honorary naming may be deemed appropriate to recognize the significant contributions an individual has made to the university.
        1. For significant financial contributions please see the section “Guidelines - Naming Opportunities: Recommended Endowment/Gift Levels.”
      2. If the naming request is for a living individual or an existing entity, the Chancellor will appoint a person (or persons) to review the qualifications of the proposed honoree to ensure that the individual or entity being honored has conducted him/her/itself in a manner that reflects the values of UW-Platteville.
        1. A naming for an individual shall consider whether the individual was employed by the Universities of Wisconsin or has served as an elected or appointed public official. Normally, a waiting period of at least five years must have elapsed from the time the individual’s UW employment ended or the individual left public office.
  1. Naming requests for facilities and spaces to honor a person or entity where a financial gift is not involved will be developed by Communications in consultation with the related unit, college, or department that is requesting the naming.
    1. The naming recommendation should include the appropriate documentation to support the rationale for the naming request.
    2. The request shall be submitted in writing for review to the UW-Platteville Naming Committee and will need preliminary approval by the Chancellor.
    3. Once approved by the Naming Committee, if the Chancellor deems that the proposed name requests merits further consideration, they shall forward the request to an appropriate shared governance board.
      1. As a rule, the Faculty Senate shall consider the naming for all GPR facilities, and the Student Senate for Program Revenue facilities.
    4. There may be times in which confidentiality of the person's name is important, and discussion shall be posted under "closed" or "executive" session (per State Statutes section 19.85 (1) (e)).
    5. The appropriate shared governance group will provide a recommendation and rationale in the form of a resolution that is submitted back to the Chancellor.
      1. Once the final recommendation is received, there will need to be a final approval by the Chancellor and/or Board of Regents before the naming can be implemented.
  1. When naming involves Program Revenue facilities that are less than the entire building, the Chancellor may choose to forward the recommendation to the Segregated University Fee Allocation Commission (SUFAC) or any of its sub-committees rather than the Student Senate.
    1. It shall be the goal to obtain input from the students who best represent the proposed building and/or facility being named.










Procedure for Naming Facilities and Spaces as the Result of a Financial Gift

  1. Executive Director of UW-Platteville Foundation is charged with developing and maintaining the list of available naming opportunities and the associated necessary financial contribution. 
  2. All requests involving a private donation to naming opportunities will be the primary responsibility of the Executive Director of UW-Platteville Foundation. 
    1. Faculty or staff who become aware of an individual with an interest of this nature must contact the Executive Director prior to any formal discussions.
  3. Naming requests involving contributions will be developed by Communications in consultation with the related unit, college, or department. 
    1. The request shall be submitted in writing for review to the UW-Platteville Naming Committee for approval and will need final approval by the Chancellor.
  4. In the event a group of naming opportunities is intended for use in a marketing campaign involving flyers and webpages, it is necessary for the Naming Committee to grant approval for all aspects of the naming opportunities, including spaces, amounts, and durations, before the launch of the marketing materials.
    1. Once approved, the UW-Platteville Foundation will collaborate with the respective college/division to seek potential donors interested in naming opportunities.
    2. In cases where the opportunity involves the naming of an entire building or the naming of a college or school, the final naming organization/individual, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) must receive secondary approval from the Naming Committee, Chancellor, and Board of Regents.
    3. In this instance only, when the Naming Committee have approved the marketing materials, naming opportunities that involves less than an entire building and does not require Board of Regents approval, will be considered to have prior approval, and will not need to go through a secondary approval process outside of the standard MOU approval process.
  5. As a rule, the funding commitment must be formally pledged in writing before the naming is considered by the Naming Committee.
    1. When pledge is made, the timing of payments must coincide with the timing of the implementation of the building project so that the majority of the gift is paid prior to completion of construction.
    2. As a rule, unreceived bequests are not eligible for a naming opportunity.
      1. In some unusual circumstances, an exception can be made for irrevocable estate gifts when combined with an appropriate number of outright gifts that will satisfy the financial requirements at the time of the pledge.
    3. Contributions involving naming requests must be irrevocable and meet the minimum present day dollar value requirements established.
      1. Where extraordinary circumstances exist, the Chancellor is authorized to make exceptions regarding the exact amount of private support required for naming.
    4. Naming requests will not be recognized through a planned or deferred gift until the contribution has been received and processed.
  6. Pledges for naming opportunities must be completed within five years from the initial pledge date.
    1. For pledges that do not reach the required funding level within the stated five-year period, the donor or their representative will be consulted to determine the most appropriate course of action, which may include a pledge extension or the transfer of the donated funds to a previously established fund within the Foundation.


Guidelines - Naming Opportunities: Recommended Endowment/Gift Levels

  1. Donors may make contributions to programs or projects and the naming opportunity may be a stipulation of the gift.
  1. A name proposed for a major new facility in recognition of a gift may be considered when the gift represents a substantial component of the project’s total cost.
    1. Where the naming honor is the result of a financial gift, it is expected that the private financial contribution be of sufficient magnitude to assist with the construction, renovation and/or ongoing maintenance of the area named.
      1. In the case of a new facility or space, the gift level is expected to represent at least 50% of the cost of the building or space based on a gross square foot calculation.
      2. In the case of naming an existing building, the gift level is expected to represent at least 35% of the replacement cost of the space.
      3. In the case of expanding or renovating an existing area, the gift amount is expected to represent at least 50% of the construction costs.
      4. Exceptions to the minimum contribution requirements will be considered by the Naming Committee on a case-by-case basis.
  1. In some cases of state funded construction, buildings or grounds projects may be named in honor of a significant donor to other initiatives (i.e., honoring significant lifetime giving to student support or faculty chairs by naming a building).
    1. To name a building or grounds project in honor of a significant donor to other initiatives, the prior gift(s) should represent at least 50 percent of the project’s total cost. This is to set a precedence on what qualifies as significant donor to other initiatives.
      1. Exceptions may be considered by the Naming Committee on a case-by-case basis.
    2. Construction projects utilizing the grants and gifts model are not eligible to be named in honor of a significant donor as funds will be utilized for completion of construction of the building.
    3. For buildings or grounds projects that may be named in honor of an entity or person not related to financial contributions, see the section, “Procedure for Naming Facilities and Spaces in Honor of a Person or Entity” for additional information.
  1. Naming of smaller spaces such as rooms, lobbies, labs, etc. can be an effective way to showcase private fundraising for new facilities or initiatives. These types of giving opportunities require significant upfront planning and an analysis of the entire building or area within which the donor will name a smaller space.
    1. The total value of all potential named spaces should be approximately 50% of the overall fundraising goal, not including the building naming.
      1. For example, if the total private fundraising goal for a building expansion is $5 million, then the sum of all the gift options for named spaces (lobby, labs, auditoriums, rooms, studios, etc.) should be approximately $2.5 million.
      2. This practice allows for future fundraising opportunities, helps manage donor expectations, and provides donors with more choices.
  1. Naming funds not designated for construction of a space/ building may be donor directed within the college/ division that the named space resides in.
    1. The college or division is responsible for ensuring that the funds are used in accordance with the donor's wishes, Naming Policy, and any applicable laws or regulations.


Capital Projects not including Athletics

Minimum Endowment or Gift Level

Option for 5-year Endowment

New Building

Not less than 50% of private dollars needed,
if no state funding is being used
- or -
20% to 25% of new construction costs,
if state funding is being used

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Building Addition

Not less than 50% of private dollars needed,
if no state funding is being used
- or -
20% to 25% of new construction costs,
if state funding is being used

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Building/Classroom Renovation

Not less than 50% of private dollars needed,
if no state funding is being used
- or -
20% to 25% of new construction costs,
if state funding is being used

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

New Classroom, Laboratory or Spaces

Not less than 50% of private dollars needed,
if no state funding is being used
- or -
20% to 25% of new construction costs,
if state funding is being used

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Campus Beautification - Outdoor structure/areas such as walkways, gardens, fountains

Not less than 50% of private dollars needed,
if no state funding is being used 
- or -
20% to 25% of new construction costs,
if state funding is being used

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period



Capital Projects – Athletic and Recreational

Minimum Endowment or Gift Level

Option for 5-year Endowment or Gift

New Athletic and Recreational Building

Not less than 50% of private dollars needed,
if no state funding is being used
- or -
20% to 25% of new construction costs,
if state funding is being used

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period


Minimum $500,000 Endowment or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $100,000 for 5 years ($500,000 Total)

Strength and Conditioning Center

Minimum $500,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $100,000 for 5 years ($500,000 Total)

Athletic Training Room

Minimum $75,000 Endowment 
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $15,000 for 5 years ($75,000 Total)

Turf Field

Minimum $100,000 Endowment 
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $20,000 for 5 years ($100,000 Total)

Competition Court

Minimum $100,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $20,000 for 5 years ($100,000 Total)

Practice Court

Minimum $75,000 Endowment 
or Non-endowed Gift​​​​​​​
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $15,000 for 5 years ($75,000 Total)

Athletics Lobby

Minimum $25,000 Endowment 
or Non-endowed Gift​​​​​​​
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Director of Athletics Office

Will vary based upon athletic program ​​​​​​​
*Based on size and location of space

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Head Coaches Office

Will vary based upon athletic program
*Based on size and location of space

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Locker Room

Will vary based upon athletic program
*Based on size and location of space

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Individual Lockers

Will vary based upon athletic program
*Based on size and location of space

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period



Academic and University Units

Minimum Endowment or Gift Level

Option for 5-year Endowment or Gift


$5,000,000 Endowment

Minimum $1,000,000 for 5 years ($5,000,000 Total)


$3,000,000 Endowment

Minimum $400,000 for 5 years ($2,000,000 Total)


$1,000,000 Endowment

Minimum $200,000 for 5 years ($1,000,000 Total)

Existing Buildings

Not less 35% of the replacement cost of the space
*See Capital Projects for renovations of a building

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Existing Classroom

Minimum $50,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Existing Laboratory or Computer Lab

Minimum $100,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $20,000 for 5 years ($100,000 Total)

Existing Conference Room

Minimum $25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Existing Academic Study Area

Minimum $25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Existing Office Space

Minimum $10,000 Non-endowed Gift
*Based on size and location of space

Minimum $2,000 for 5 years ($10,000 Total)



Faculty and Staff Support

Minimum Endowment or Gift Level

Option for 5-year Endowment or Gift



Needs Chancellor and Board approval

Based upon dollars needed over 5-year period

Endowed Chair

$2,000,000 Endowment

$400,000 for 5 years ($2,000,000 Total)

Endowed Professorship or Director

$1,000,000 Endowment

$200,000 for 5 years ($1,000,000 Total)

Faculty Fellowship

$250,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$50,000 for 5 years ($250,000 Total)

Faculty/Staff Recognition Award

$50,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$10,000 for 5 years ($50,000 Total)



Public Programs

Minimum Endowment or Gift Level

Option for 5-year Endowment or Gift

Lecture/Concert Series

$500,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$100,000 for 5 years ($500,000 Total)

Guest Speaker

$25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)



Student Support

Minimum Endowment or Gift Level

Option for 5-year Endowment or Gift

International Study Scholarship

$25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Graduate Student Scholarship

$25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Undergraduate Student Scholarship

$25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Annual Pass-through Scholarship

Minimum $1,000 per year


Graduate Internship/Assistantship

$25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)

Undergraduate Internship/Assistantship

$25,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$5,000 for 5 years ($25,000 Total)



Other Opportunities

Minimum Gift or Endowment Level

Option for 5-year Endowment

Artwork Acquisition

$100,000 Endowment
or Non-endowed Gift

$20,000 for 5 years ($100,000 Total)


Naming Opportunities Defined

  1. New Building, Building Additions and Renovations, New Classrooms or Laboratories:
    1. Gift level is not reflective of the total cost of a building but represents a significant commitment to completion of the structure. May include academic or administrative buildings.
  1. Athletic and Recreational Facilities and Spaces:
    1. Provides support for buildings and spaces that support athletic and/or recreational program space. May include but not limited to new or existing fields and/or athletic or recreational complexes.
  1. Campus Beautification:
    1. Typically includes improvements and enhancements to exterior campus spaces. The contribution must cover the entire cost of the walkway, artwork, garden, fountain, or other form of beautification. If significant ongoing costs will be incurred to maintain the structure or space, an endowment sufficient to cover associated costs may also be required.
  1. College, Department:
    1. Provides support for annual operations of the college or department as well as may support new initiatives of the college or department at the discretion of the college dean or department chair.
  1. Center/Program:
    1. Provides support for the annual operations of a new or existing center or program on campus.
  1. Classroom, Laboratory, Meeting Room, Academic Study Area:
    1. Provides support for equipment and furnishings needed to maintain these spaces over time.
  1. Deanship
    1. May be restricted to a specific college of study within UW-Platteville. The purpose of the endowment may be to recruit new faculty or to support an existing position. The endowment will be used to supplement salary and provide program support within the designated college. The Chancellor is responsible for the selection of the position.
  1. Endowed Chair:
    1. May be restricted to a specific field of study within an academic department. The purpose of the endowment may be to recruit new faculty or to support an existing position. The endowment will be used to supplement salary and provide program support within the designated department. The Chancellor is responsible for the selection of the position.
  1. Endowed Professor or Director:
    1. May be restricted to specific fields of study or student service or program areas of campus. The purpose of the endowment may be to recruit a new faculty or staff position or to support an existing position. The endowment will be used to supplement salary and provide program support within the designated department. The Chancellor is responsible for the selection of the position.
  1. Faculty Fellowship:
    1. May be restricted to specific fields of study within an academic department. May provide enhancements for a faculty member(s) teaching, including the integration of technology into the curriculum, professional development, or research activities.
  1. Faculty/Staff Recognition Award:
    1. Provides support to recognize outstanding service and achievement on the UW-Platteville campus. The award may be designated to a particular program, department, or college for which the recognition is to be directed.
  1. Lecture/Concert Series:
    1. Provides support to pay for honoraria, publicity, and the expenses of the visiting lecturers to present a lecture on campus. The series may be designated to a particular program, department, or area of emphasis.
  1. Guest Speaker:
    1. Provides support for speaker fees, publicity and other related expenses incurred in hosting the speaker. The guest speaker may be designated to a particular program, department, or area of emphasis.
  1. International Study Scholarship:
    1. May be used to support tuition for students participating in university approved study abroad programs or could also provide support to an international student/s studying on the UW-Platteville campus. The donor would have the opportunity to determine selection criteria that would be used in selecting a suitable recipient for the scholarship including such indicators as financial need, program of study, class rank and/or academic achievement.
  1. Graduate, Undergraduate Student Scholarship:
    1. Supports a well-deserving student attending UW-Platteville. The donor would have the opportunity to determine selection criteria that would be used in selecting a suitable recipient for the scholarship including such indicators as financial need, program of study, class rank and/or academic achievement.
  1. Annual Named Scholarship:
    1. Provides annual, non-endowed named scholarships. Selection criteria will depend upon the donor's preferences and guidelines established by UW-Platteville Foundation.
  1. Graduate, Undergraduate Internship/Assistantship:
    1. Supports a well-deserving student attending UW-Platteville. The donor would have the opportunity to determine a field of study in which the internship would occur. The fund will also be responsible for paying mandatory and appropriate federal and state taxes and benefits.
  1. Artwork Acquisition:
    1. Supports new works of art being brought to the UW-Platteville campus. The donor would have some opportunity to make determinations regarding the location and form of the artwork.


Board of Regents of Universities of Wisconsin

  • Naming of Entire Building
  • Naming of College or School
  • Approval for removal of naming for an entire building, school, or college

Chancellor of UW-Platteville

  • Submitting Naming Requests and Support to Board of Regents, when necessary
  • Naming of facilities when the naming involves less than an entire building, such as rooms, wings, or exterior amenities
  • Naming of university structure or grounds area
  • Naming of departments, programs, and centers
  • Naming of other academic units other than colleges or schools
  • Approval for removal of naming if involves less than an entire building
  • Approval for Comprehensive Campaigns involving naming
  • Discussions with Campus Planning Committee and Naming Committee
  • Delegation of representatives in sit in with the Naming Committee as appropriate
  • Forwarding requests to the appropriate governance board when necessary

Executive Director of UW-Platteville Foundation

  • Serve on Naming Committee
  • Developing and maintaining the list of available naming opportunities and the associated necessary financial contribution in conjunction with the Executive Director of Corporate Relations
  • Assisting with requests involving a private donation to naming opportunities

Communications Director

  • Serve on Naming Committee
  • Assist with developing marketing opportunities as a result of a naming
  • Ensure proper branding on all designs

Naming Committee

  • Review naming requests in accordance with the Naming Policy and Board of Regents Policies for any naming opportunity in honor of a person or entity.
  • Review naming requests in accordance with the Naming Policy and Board of Regents Policies for any naming opportunity as a result of a Financial Gift
  • Submit committee approved recommendations to the UW-Platteville Chancellor for approval
  • Coordinating with the Chancellor with the escalation of naming requests to the appropriate parties in accordance with this policy

Other Governance Boards and Committees

  • Review naming requests in accordance with the Naming Policy and Board of Regents Policies for any naming opportunity in honor of a person or entity
  • Submit committee approved final resolution to the UW-Platteville Chancellor.
  • Coordinating with the Chancellor with the escalation of naming requests to the appropriate parties in accordance with this policy
  • Faculty Senate
    • Review naming opportunities for GNR Facilities
    • Representatives to in sit in with the Naming Committee when requested​​​​​​​
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Student Senate
    • Review naming opportunities for Program Revenue Facilities for an entire building and requests less than entire building
    • Representatives to in sit in with the Naming Committee when requested​​​​
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Segregated University Fee Allocation Commission (SUFAC) or another designated committee
    • Review naming opportunities for Program Revenue Facilities for requests less than entire building only
      • This is only when designated by the Chancellor; default for these requests is the Student Senate.
    • Representatives to in sit in with the Naming Committee when requested.

Policy Stakeholders

  • Chancellor
  • Provost
  • UW-Platteville Foundation
  • Communications
  • Campus Planning
  • Deans/Assistant Provosts and supporting staff
  • Vice Chancellors/Executive Directors and supporting staff
  • Student Senate
  • Faculty Senate
  • Board of Regents
  • Other committees as designated


Those designated to receive questions and feedback on the policy.





Executive Director of
UW-Platteville Foundation

Stacia Stephenson



Communications Director

Alison Parkins



Project Manager Administrator

Kayla Mohr



University of Wisconsin-Platteville
1 University Plaza​​​​​​​, Stop 1
Platteville, WI 53818


Regent Policy Document 19-14 (formerly 96-1): Naming or Dedicating of University Facilities

That, upon the recommendation of the President of the University of Wisconsin System, Resolution 7166 (March 8, 1996), be rescinded and the following amended policy be adopted:

It is the preference of the Board to commemorate the contributions of individuals to academic excellence through the naming or dedication of scholarships, programs, professorships, and other similar actions.  However, the Board recognizes that from time to time there may be a desire to name or dedicate some facilities or portions of the university's buildings or grounds after a person.  

The Board must approve each request to name an entire building after an individual or individuals.  Such requests are to be presented to the Physical Planning and Funding Committee and the full Board of Regents for discussion in closed session prior to approval.  Public announcement of the request by the university shall not be made until the request has been approved by the board.

If the request involves a living individual who has been formally associated with the University of Wisconsin System, or has held a paid public office, a waiting period is required unless a situation is presented where a gift stipulates the naming.  Normally, at least five years must have elapsed from the time a person who has been formally associated with the University of Wisconsin System, or has held a paid public office, has terminated that association, or left the paid public office.

The Chancellor of each institution is authorized to name facilities when the naming involves less than an entire building, such as rooms, wings, or exterior amenities.  This authorization is subject to the same limitations regarding waiting periods as those pertaining to entire buildings.

Regent Policy Document 4-19: Naming of University Academic Units

It is the preference of the UW System Board of Regents to commemorate individuals’ contributions to academic excellence through the naming of scholarships, programs, professorships, and other similar actions. However, the Board recognizes that the naming of academic units may at times be an appropriate means of recognizing the service, dedication to academic excellence, or financial contributions made by an individual, corporation, or other legal entity.

Academic units under this policy may be named for individuals or, in exceptional and rare instances, for corporations or other legal entities. For the purposes of this policy, other legal entities include any for-profit business or non-profit organization, foundation, trust, or any similar non-university organization.

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations: Updated 2019-20 Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Updated through 2021 Wisconsin Act 267 and through all Orders of the Controlled Substances Board affecting Chapter 961 and Supreme Court Orders filed before and in effect on July 1, 2022.

Statutory changes effective after July 1, 2022, are designated by NOTES.

  • Wis. Stat. ss. 19.85(1)(e): Exemptions, (1)(e)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


December 2026