This policy explains eligibility for amnesty from UW-Platteville disciplinary processes for students assist with the well-being of others by seeking assistance when someone is experiencing a serious medical risk due to intoxication.
Date Revised: N/A
Date Effective: June 12, 2023
Responsible University Official(s): Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance; Dean of Students
Policy Owner: Dean of Students Office, Department of Residence Life, University Police
Policy Contact: Dean of Students Office
This policy assists in minimizing barriers for student to report a medical emergency due to alcohol and other drug use.
This policy is consistent with the mission of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, through the promotion of a safe campus and community.
This policy affects all students. This policy informs the procedures of University Police, Dean of Students Office, and the Department of Residence Life.
This policy outlines the circumstances a student would be eligible for amnesty.
Alcohol and drug use is a part of regional culture and the college experience for many. Several college students every year participate in high-risk activities due to drinking and drug use. However, many of these individuals and bystanders choose not to seek help because they are afraid of legal, or University consequences associated with alcohol and drug use and/or possession.
Student bystander- an enrolled student taking action to address a problematic situation. In relation to this policy, the bystander seeks emergency assistance regardless of the victim’s or their own alcohol or drug use.
Amnesty- to not hold a student responsible for a policy violation through a formal conduct process.
It is a reasonable expectation all students, student organizations, faculty and staff to assist with the well-being of others by seeking assistance when someone could have a serious medical risk due to intoxication.
Intoxicated students seeking assistance, and/or student bystanders actively supporting other student(s) in obtaining assistance from university officials or medical professionals will receive amnesty from UW-Platteville discipline processes.
For an intoxicated student to receive amnesty they must seek assistance or have assistance sought for them, cooperate with university officials and emergency personnel, and attend a meeting with Residence Life or Dean of Students Office staff.
For a student bystander to receive amnesty they must actively support the intoxicated individual/student in obtaining assistance, stay with the individual/student until responding university officials or emergency personnel arrive, cooperate with responding staff or emergency personnel and attend a meeting with Residence Life or Dean of Students Office staff.
Students who are approached by university officials, rather than actively seeking assistance from, do not qualify for amnesty. Serious or repeat incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern and response. Failure to meet with university staff regarding the situation will result in conducting a formal disciplinary investigation under Chapter UWS 17 or the Residence Hall Handbook.
This policy does not provide amnesty for other violations of University policy, local, state or federal law. Likewise, this policy does not prevent action through Human Resources or law enforcement personnel.
University Police will respond to student request for assistance due to intoxication. Police will follow their protocols to obtain emergency medical services for the individual(s) at risk. The student bystander and intoxicated student or student under the influence of drugs will not be issued citations. Police may follow their reporting obligations.
Resident Assistants will respond to student requests for assistance and will follow their process to obtain emergency medical services and inform professional residence life staff. Resident Assistants will report these incidents through Maxient.
Residence Life Staff (Resident Directors, Assistant Directors, Associate Director) and Dean of Students Office Staff (Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Students, Student Conduct Coordinator) will meet with the student(s) to determine if the student(s) involved qualify for amnesty. If they do, the situation will be marked as amnesty in Maxient. Once complete the case will be closed. If students do not meet with Residence Life or Dean of Students Office staff within the designated time frame the student will no longer be eligible for amnesty, and the appropriate student conduct process will proceed.
Situations marked as amnesty will not be disclosed by the Dean of Students Office or Residence Life during background checks. Likewise, these situations will not be considered past conduct if the student is found responsible for policy violations in the future.
Position/Office: Dean of Students/Assistant Dean of Student/Student Conduct Coordinator
Responsibilities: Employees that serve the campus community as investigating officers for student violations of UWS Chapter 17 and UWS Chapter 18. These staff members would be responsible in determining if a student qualifies for amnesty for cases that occur off campus, or on campus outside of the residence halls. These staff members also assist students in accessing campus and local community resources.
Position/Office: Residence Director, Assistant and Associate Director of Residence Life
Responsibilities: Employees provide oversight to on campus housing. These staff members are responsible for adjudicating violations of the Residence Hall Handbook. These staff members would also be determining if a student qualifies for amnesty in cases that occur within the residence halls. These staff member also assist students in accessing campus and local community resources.
Position/Office: Resident Assistants
Responsibilities: Student employees that assist students and document any violations of Residence Life or University policies.
Position/Office: University Police Officers
Responsibilities: Respond to emergency and non-emergency calls. Document and cite individuals that violate local, state, and federal laws. Officers will use their discretion on if a situation qualifies under this policy. University Police share reports involving University students with the Dean of Students Office, as appropriate.
Position/Office: Other police agencies
Responsibilities Document and cite individuals that violate local, state, and federal laws. Local law enforcement departments may share reports involving University students with the University of Wisconsin Platteville Police Department and Dean of Students Office as appropriate.
Those designated to receive questions and feedback on the policy.
Primary Contact
Dean of Students
Amber Monroe
Provide names of other policies (if any) that are directly related to this policy and, if necessary, indicate how they are related.
Residence Hall Handbook
Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Biennial Review: AY 2019 and AY 2020 - File attached to article
UWS Chapter 17 - Student Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures
UWS Chapter 18 - Conduct on University Lands
The Villas Student Housing Handbook
Wis. Stat. 125 - Alcohol Beverages
Wis. Stat. 961 - Uniform Controlled Substances Act
2015 Wisconsin Act 279 - Wisconsin Medical Amnesty
Approved June 12, 2023
June 2025