Policy: Change Fund Policy


Financial Administration

Responsible University Official(s): Controller of Financial Services
Policy Owner: Controller
Policy Contact:
 Accounts Payable


The purpose of this policy is to document the process of establishing and maintaining change funds.


All campus units that receive cash and checks for operational activities.


Change Funds may be requested when the collection of some revenues require the use of additional cash for making change.


Change Fund:  A designated amount of monies, authorized by the Controller or Accounts Payable supervisor to be used for receipting monies and making change.


Departments may have change funds under the following requirements:

  • Funds are to be requested only if absolutely necessary
  • ​​​​​​Funds may not be used for cashing personal checks
  • Funds may not be used as a Petty Cash fund
  • Funds may not be used for any non-business purpose
  • Funds may not be established from withheld deposits
  • Funds can only be entrusted to permanent employees (not LTE’s or Students)



  1. Change Fund Request Process
    Request a Change Fund by completing the Request for Change Fund Action form. (File attached to article) The form must be signed by the employee to whom the funds will be entrusted and the manager of the department. Check ‘Initial Fund Request’ on the form. 

    Submit the completed form to the Controller’s office. ALL Change Fund requests must be approved by the Controller or Accounts Payable Supervisor. 

    A check will be issued to UW-Platteville or UW-Platteville Baraboo/Sauk County in the amount of the change fund request. The person the change fund is entrusted will be required to pick the check up from Accounts Payable in person with a picture ID or from the Business Office at Baraboo.  The check will need to be cashed at the Cashier’s Office in UllsvikHall for the main campus and branch campuses should cash the check at the local bank. 
  2. Counterfeit Pen
    If the change fund activity receives bills $20.00 or larger, a counterfeit pen is required for use to ensure no counterfeit monies exchanges hands. The counterfeit pen can be run across the larger bills; yellow means the money is genuine and brown means the money is counterfeit. 
  3. Change Fund Transfer Process
    If a different employee, in the same department, assumes responsibility for the Change Fund, complete the Request for Change Fund Action form and check FUND TRANSFER.

    Signatures from both parties are required, along with signature from department manager. The request must be approved by the Controller or Accounts Payable Supervisor.
  4. Making Change 
    If a department needs to make change for their Change Fund they must go to the Cashier’s Office, Ullsvik Hall for the main campus or the Business Office at UW-Platteville Baraboo.
  5. Change Fund Return Process
    If a Change Fund for the department is no longer needed, the money must be deposited with the Cashier’s Office or Business Office into the respective Contingent Fund account.  A receipt should be obtained from the Cashier’s or Business Office for the deposit. The receipt should be attached to the Request for Change Fund Action form (File attached to article), check FUND RETURNED, and have the signature of the Person to whom fund is entrusted and Department Manager signature on the form. Send the completed form with receipt to Accounts Payable, Ullsvik Room 2206.
  6. Monthly Change Fund Verifications and Audits
    At the beginning of each month, a completed Change Fund Verification form (File attached to article) must be submitted to the Accounts Payable Office through email to accountspayable@uwplatt.edu or faxing to 608-342-1169.  The form requires two signatures verifying the change fund balance.
    The funds are subject to unannounced audits and are to be available to an appropriate representative of the Controller’s Office or UW System Internal Audit Staff anytime during the normal workday.
  7. Thefts
    In the event of a theft, you should notify the Controller’s Office (ext-1435), Internal Audit (ext-1286), University Police (ext-1584) and Risk Management (ext-1188).


Position/Office: The Accounts Payable Office is responsible for maintaining and updating this document as well as providing oversight of the change fund reconciliations.


Those designated to receive questions and feedback on the policy.

Primary Contact




Accounts Payable Specialist     

Tina DeJesus



Account Payable Supervisor





Marie Wamsley   




(Files attached to article)
Request for Change Fund Action form
Change Fund Verification form
Change Fund Policy PDF


Original Issue Date:  December 18, 2013
Revision History:  March 1, 2017 | September 10, 2019 | January 10, 2020 | July 25, 2022 | January 31, 2023 | September 2024


January 2025



Article ID: 13011
Fri 5/31/24 11:43 AM
Mon 9/16/24 4:03 PM

