In Outlook Web App, you can compose an automatic reply message that senders will receive when you are not available. Separate messages may be set for internal and external senders. If you use Outlook desktop client, please see the instructions linked on the right.
- After logging into OWA, click the gear in the upper right corner to produce the Settings menu
- Select the Mail tab on the far left
- Select Automatic replies
- Select Turn on automatic replies
- To select a date range, check "Send replies only during a time period". (Without a specified range, the automatic reply will be sent until disabled.)
- Select the Start and End times
Compose your message for senders from UW-Platteville. NOTE: Each sender from UW-Platteville will receive your reply once
To send the automatic reply to senders outside UW-Platteville, check "Send replies outside your organization".
Copy and paste your original message or compose a new one.
Choose to send to all external senders or just your contacts.
NOTE: Each sender from outside UW-Platteville will receive your reply once.
Click Save.
To deactivate the automatic reply
You can deactivate an auto-reply in OWA at any time by selecting "Turn off" within the pop-up in the upper right of your account. If you do not see the pop-up, follow these steps.
- Go to Settings
- Select Mail
- Select Automatic replies
- Select Turn off
- Save
Need help?
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.