A Class Permission must be entered to override the following circumstances.
NOTE: A permission does not add or drop a student from a class. It clears the way for a student to be able to register on his or her own. The permission and the override must exactly match what is preventing the student to register. For example, a permission on section 01 will not work on a registration in section 02; a permission that overrides closed class will not work if the issue with registration was a prereq. It is very important to only choose the overrides that apply to the situation.
- Closed Class - the class is either full or closed manually.
- Requisites Not Met - the student did not fulfill a prerequisite or co-requisite or other condition of enrolling in the course.
- Consent Required - the course specified the need for department consent before enrollment.
- Career Restriction - where the student career does not match the course career, i.e. an Undergraduate student taking a Graduate course, or vice versa.
- Permission Time Period - used during the Late Add Period. (See #8 below)
- Permission to Drop - when a student has permission to drop a co-req, but remain enrolled in the other course. (See #9 below)
- To enter a permission, go to Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Class Permissions > Class Permissions via the NavBar
on the upper right of the screen.
- Enter the term and course information. Tip: If you don't know the exact subject name, but do know the catalog number, just enter the catalog number (and term). The subject can then be found in the search results. Click on the correct course
- Page over to the right section for the permission. Tip: If you know the class number or section number, use the "Find" feature at the top of the Class Section Data box. This can be especially helpful with courses that have a large number of sections.

TIP: A recent update moved the Name column to the new first tab, left of the General Info tab. Click the Show All Columns symbol to see all columns at once.

You may save the columns as expanded. Click on Personalize Page on the upper left of the screen and check the box, Save the state of expanded/collapsed sections on this page to save the columns as expanded.

- Enter the student ID or click search button (magnifying glass) to search for the emplid of the student. If this is not the first student, click the + sign to add a row. The Expiration Date will default to the last day of the term. This can be changed to add additional control to the permission.

NOTE: If you save at this point without specifying the type of permission. You will see the following error. Click Ok and continue onto Step 5.

- Go to the Permission tab. Check the box for the type of permission (see examples above). NOTE: Make sure you are in the Class Permission Data area, not in the defaults area. Do not use the boxes in the default area.

- (Recommended) Go to the Comments tab and enter the permission source, initial and date.

- Don’t forget to click SAVE or your information will be lost once you leave this page.
Adding an Add Permission after Self-Service Closes (Permission Time Period)
Follow the instructions above, except in the "Permissions" tab, check the box "Permission Time Period." Important -- If you are entering more than a permission time period add, like overriding a closed class as well, you will also have to check that override box. Also, keep in mind that you can control the date that you want to allow an individual student by changing the date in the expiration date field.;
Drop with Permission
If a student has a co-requisite for a course that they are enrolled in and you want to allow them to drop the course anyway use the "Permission to Drop" tab. For example, a student may be waived from taking Geneng 1030, but it is a co-req of another class, so the student can’t drop it. You can go to Class Permissions > permission to drop tab, add the student with the permission valid for "requisite not met" and the student will be able to drop it successfully.

Need Help?
If you have any questions, contact the Registrar's Office at 608.342.1321.