PASS CX - Viewing the "What-If" Academic Advisement Report (What-If AAR) - HTML Version - via Lookup Student (Staff)


Instructions for viewing a previously generated What-If Academic Advisement Report via Lookup Student.


Only Students and their Advisors may generate a What-If Report in HCX, but their recently generated reports are viewable by admins via Lookup Student.  Admins with access may generate a student What-If AAR at Academic Advisement - Student Advisement - Request Advisement Report.  See PASS CX - Generating the "What-If" Academic Advisement Report (What-If AAR) - PDF Version - via Classic PASS (Admin)

1. Log into PASS CX.

2. In your PASS Homepage, click on the Campus Experience Dashboard Tile on the Homepage. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

3. In the PASS CX Dashboard, select Lookup Student.

Lookup Student Menu

4. Enter search criteria.  At a minimum, one letter is required in the First and Last Name field, or enter the student ID.  Click Search.

5. To the right of the student, click Act As User.

Act As User

6. If required, read the FERPA statement and click Continue.  Now you will be in a representation of the student's PASS CX Dashboard.

Note: There is a statement at the top of the page, "Acting As..." followed by the student name. 

7. Click on the Academics menu in the CX Dashboard to Expand it.

Academics Menu - click to expand

8. In the Academics menu, select What-If.

What If Menu

9. Read the What-If Information at the top of the page. 

IMPORTANT: Degree Program Changes on the student's current AAR may not be reflected on the What-If.  

10.  Click View Report.  NOTE: This will only be available if a What-If AAR was previously generated.

Remember: Only Students and their Advisors may generate a What-If Report in HCX, but their recently generated reports are viewable by admins via Lookup Student.  Admins with access may generate a student What-If AAR at Academic Advisement - Student Advisement - Request Advisement Report.  See PASS CX - Generating the "What-If" Academic Advisement Report (What-If AAR) - PDF Version - via Classic PASS (Admin)

View Report

11.  This view is the HTML Version of the student's What-If AAR.  Click View PDF to see the PDF version of the What-If AAR. (See PASS CX - Viewing the "What-If" Academic Advisement Report (What-If AAR) via Lookup Student - PDF version (Admin))

12. Similar to the regular AAR, requirements are grouped together.  They are called Academic Requirement Groups.  Academic Requirement Groups will be marked with NOT SATISFIED or SATISFIED.  

 CAUTIONSATISFIED includes courses that were entered as a Course Scenario and also courses in progress, so if the student never enrolled in the What-If course, or dropped or failed an in progress course, a Requirement Group may no longer be fulfilled.

a. To see how all of the satisfied Requirement Groups were projected to be fulfilled with a course scenario the student entered, click on View PDF.  Although a requirement group will be fulfilled by a What-If course, it doesn't indicate the course is a What-If course as clearly as the PDF, which will display what if courses with the course type "WH".

PDF Course Scenario

b. In this example, the Group is not satisfied, because Requirements within the Group are not satisfied.  Each Requirement Group may contain one or more Requirement.  In this case, the Requirement Group, has three Requirements, one of which is satisfied, and two are not.

Groups Detail

c. If there is an arrow by a Group or Requirement, you may continue to drill down for additional details.  

Line Detail

View Courses

CAUTION: This is an example of an In progress course fulfilling a requirement.  If you drop this course, the requirement will again become NOT SATISFIED.  What If courses can also satisfy requirements.  There is no way to tell on the html version that the course is a What If course.  It is recommended to instead run the PDF version of the What If AAR to look for What If courses.  See the links below to see how to run the PDF What-if.

Use the bread crumbs at the top of the page to return to previous screens.  Click or select the "..." to see additional details.

View Sections

13. Scroll down the report and see the Requirement Groups that are not yet satisfied.  The report will provide details on how to fulfill the Requirements and/or Requirement Group.  Requirements are made of Requirement lines.  The symbol at the requirement line for not satisfied, is slightly different.

View Courses at the line level

14. Click View Courses to see what courses are either fulfilling the requirement or may fulfill it.  If there are available section of a course a View Sections button will appear.  Click on it to see the available sections.

View Courses

15.  The goal is to have all of your University Requirements, General Education, Major/Minor/Emphasis groups marked as SATISFIED by courses that have been completed.  Be sure to not be including courses that are either planned, course scenarios, or courses that are still in progress.

If you have any questions about the What-If AAR, contact the Registrar's Office at or 608-342-1321.



Article ID: 6518
Fri 7/21/23 11:59 AM
Wed 1/10/24 5:17 PM

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