Open a Help Desk ticket requesting a RFC for the ITS PASS development team to create a new WorkCenter for your area.
ITS PASS Development - Complete the following:
- Review Oracle Doc: E-FLUID/E-EC: How To Create A Custom Fluid WorkCenter (Doc ID 2521487.1). Copy also available in T:\ISR\Development\Documents-Training\How To's.
- Within Step 5: Product = SUWP; Object Owner ID = SUWP - SA Bolt-On
- Step 6: Developers - use only in CSDV/CSDX for verification purposes.
- Optional: If a homepage tile will be used for access, create an image in .SVG format to be used during creation.
- Set-up Base security to the WorkCenter, create a new permission list and find out which roles in PASS will need access to the WorkCenter's main page.
- Optional: Create homepage tile (if requested)
- Content Reference shortcut to Fluid Pages.
- update default homepage to allow the tile to be added.
- example screenshot:

Basic set-up for main WorkCenter framework
- Within PASS, navigate to Enterprise Components > WorkCenter/Dashboards > Configure Pagelets
- Under the Add New tab on run control page, enter name using naming standards for area code (ie, CCH_).

- Add a Description (ie, Student Success WorkCenter).
- Under Fluid WorkCenter, enter/select the component name the developer created in Step #1.

- Uncheck "My Work" checkbox under grouplet options.

- Save page.
Configuring the WorkCenter (Links, Queries, Report/Processes)
- Within PASS, navigate to Enterprise Components > WorkCenter/Dashboards > Configure Pagelets.

- Links, Queries, and Reports/Processes Pages
- Groups are like "Folders". Create as many groups as needed to host the navigable pages, queries/pivot grids, and Processes/Reports.
- Determine Display Order.
- Determine if the group should start collapsed or hide group.
Link List (within Link Group under both Links and Reports/Processes tabs) is where the "pages" are added.
- Click Define to select a page or URL to be added to that group

* When selecting a page, the page security will default to what is already attached to page.
* If creating a URL, you will need to specify the security.
* Change the Link Label after selecting the page.
- Show/hide link and determine if it is a starting page. Also, decide if it should open in a new window and determine display order.

Query Definition (within Query Groups under the Queries tab) is where you add the "Queries" or "Pivot Grids" you want to display in each group.
- Define the Display Order, Type, Override query name if needed, use the lookup to find Query Name wanted, setup Access
* Note: Access set in this step does not override the query access needed to run the query.

- After all setup is completed...
* Click Save
* Click the Activate .... Settings button within Update User Personlization Settings under each tab (Links, Queries, and Reports/Processes).

For additional references, please see the following Oracle documents:
Understanding Workcenters and Dashboards
Configuring Pagelets
Need help?
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.