PASS - User defaults (Staff)


PASS User Defaults


Using User Defaults

User Defaults allow users to set personal defaults that they wish to appear on the pages they use. Default values are loaded into data pages automatically for a specific user ID. While the system allows for overriding set values on any page in the system, it is important for users who set defaults to be aware of what values they have set and when they may need to be overridden to assure data-entry accuracy. User defaults can save time and minimize data entry errors.  While the use of user defaults is entirely optional, there will be some fields that will be required and used by all (see the following example).

It will be important for users to be familiar with the pages and fields they work with before setting many of their defaults.  Because of the academic structure at UW-Platteville, some user defaults will be the same for all users. In some fields, individuals will only be able to select a default value for which they have been given security access.

Setting Defaults for Academic Information

Access the User Defaults 1 page (Set Up SACR, User Defaults, User Defaults 1)

Enter the default values for fields on this page. You can set default values for some fields but not others. All fields are optional.

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Setting Defaults for Financial and Admissions Data

Access the User Defaults 2 page (Set Up SACR, User Defaults, User Defaults 2).

Enter default values for the fields on this page. You can set default values for some fields but not others. All fields are optional.

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Setting Defaults for Admissions Application Data

Access the User Defaults 3 page (Set Up SACR, User Defaults, User Defaults 3).

 Enter default values for the fields on this page. You can set default values for some fields but not others. All fields are optional.

User Default 3 Table

Academic Level

Select an academic level for the applicant, such as Freshman, Junior, or Not Set.

Application Method

Select the medium by which the institution received the student's application, such as Diskette, Hard Copy, or Web Appl (web application).

Last School Attended

Enter a value in this field if you receive numerous applications from a particular school. The values depend on the options that are set up in the system.

Graduation Date

Enter a value here if many applicants share the same graduation date. No default value is delivered for this field.

Housing Interest

Select Commuter, Off Campus, or On Campus.

Financial Aid Interest

Select to have the Financial Aid Interest indicator set by default in the admissions application information.

External Acad Data Defaults (external academic data defaults)

User Default Transcript Table

Transcript Type

Select Official or Unofficial for this field to indicate if a transcript is official or unofficial.


Transcript Rcvd Data Source(transcript received data source)

Select the data source used to transmit the academic transcript to the institution.


Transcript Rcvd Medium(transcript received medium)

Select EDI or Hard Copy to indicate the medium by which the transcript is received at the institution.



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Setting Defaults for Printing Transcripts, Award Notifications, and SEVIS

Access the User Defaults 4 page (Set Up SACR, User Defaults, User Defaults 4).


Carry ID

Select to have the system carry the ID of the last entered (or selected) individual or organization from search box to search box and from page to page. If you select the Carry ID option, you do not have to repeatedly enter or select the ID when you modify or review data for an individual or organization.

Output Destination

Select the default destination for printing transcripts. Select EDI, Page, or Printer.

Note. Output destination values are shipped with the system as translate values. Do not modify these translate values in any way. Any modifications of these values require a substantial programming effort.

Transcript Type

Enter the default value for the type of transcripts that you generally print. The options depend on which values are set up in the system.

Printer Name

List the default Postscript printers that you use to print award notifications. Click theExplain link for more detailed information.

SEVIS Default


School Code

Enter the default school code that populates fields in the SEVIS F/M Visa components.

Program Number

Enter the default program sponsor number that populates fields in the SEVIS J Visa components.

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Setting Defaults for Enrollment Overrides

Access the Enrollment Override Defaults page (Set Up SACR, User Defaults, Enrollment Override Defaults).

Select the default overrides for the enrollment access ID shown. Only those overrides to which an enrollment access ID has access can be set as defaults. The overrides selected here are set during the enrollment access ID setup. You can override these settings.

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Setting Defaults for Communication Keys

Access the Communication Speed Keys page (Set Up SACR, User Defaults, Communication Speed Keys).

Communication speed keys enable you to create shortcuts for specifying common communication data. Users can select from base default communication keys or modify them. Users can also set up their own communication keys in addition to the base communication keys.

Administrative Function

Set default communication keys for multiple administrative functions by adding a row for each administrative function.

Academic Institution

Enter the academic institution for the administrative function.

Administrative Function

Enter the administrative function to which the default communication key is assigned.

Default Comm Key (default communication key)

Displays the communication key that you select as the default for the administrative function.

No Default

If you do not want to specify a default communication key for an administrative function, either select this check box or do not select a default communication key in the Comm Key (communication key) scroll area. The Default Comm Key field remains blank.

Comm Key

You can define only one default communication key for each administrative function. You can set multiple communication keys (or comm keys) by adding rows in the Comm Key scroll area.


Comm Key (communication key)

Enter the communication key that you want to use as a default for the administrative function. After you enter a value in this field, the Category, Context, Method and other comm key values appear.

Default Comm Key (default communication key)

Select to set this comm key as the default for the administrative function.

Print Comment

Select to have the system set the Print Comment flag to True by default for communications using this comm key.

Activity Completed

Select to have the system set Activity Completed flag to True by default for communications using this comm key.

Unsuccessful Outcome

Select to have the system set the Unsuccessful Outcome flag to True by default for communications using this comm key.

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Selecting the Type of 3C Group Access

Access the User 3C Groups Summary page (Set Up SACR, User Defaults, User 3C Groups Summary).

You can see only those items associated with the 3C groups to which you have access, as indicated by the selected check boxes. You can temporarily disable access to specific 3C groups that you do not want to view each time. Clear the Inquiry Indicator check box for those groups that you do not want to include in the default. The Update Indicator check box appears if the user can enter and edit data in the 3C group. Users cannot change update access on this page.

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Need help?

If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or  You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.



Article ID: 8371
Thu 10/12/23 2:57 PM
Wed 1/10/24 1:58 PM