Refreshing the software available in Software Center - Running client actions


Newly deployed software will not list in Software Center immediately. Doing this process will force the configuration manager client to check in to the management point and update the available software list.


  1. Press the Windows key on you keyboard or click on the Start Menu then search for Control Panel.
  2. Locate Configuration Manager within the System and Security category.
  3. Select the Actions tab and select the Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle.
  4. Click the Run Now button.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. A window will pop up which states the action will be run. Click OK.
  6. Return to Software Center and any newly assigned software should appear within a few minutes.

Need help?

If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or  You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.



Article ID: 8873
Mon 10/30/23 10:45 AM
Mon 12/16/24 8:04 AM