Canvas - Title IX Training


Canvas Title IX Training is the university software system to meet compliance requirements for training students on Title IX. This is required for all new students. This was previously done via Vector Solutions and EverFi Foundry.



Brief Summary:

Canvas Title IX Training is the university software system to meet compliance requirements for training students on Title IX. This is required for all new students. This was previously done via Vector Solutions and EverFi Foundry.

Company Name:

Vector Solutions

Software Name:

           Title IX training

PASS Navigation and UW-Platteville URL:

UWP Satellite System > Student Affairs > Process > Title IX Extract
UWP Satellite System > Student Affairs > Setup > SAF Term Setup

Login Link is sent via email to students

Population Selection:

New Students for a term. New Students defined as a student who is past admissions (term active), enrolled, academic program is not special or continuing education, not withdrawn from the term, and is the first term at UW-Platteville. Term defined as the term setup on the SAF Term setup page using the effective date.

Application Level:  

PASS Process Scheduler  - Application Engine (SAFH002)

Interface Type:

Flat comma separated file - File name is "VectorCourseUWP.csv" stored locally at psdata1:PSDropBox\Extracts\vectorsolutionslms\data\ 


           PASS to psdata1 - Biweekly - Monday 6am
           SFTP from psdata1 to
Vector Solutions - Bieekly - Monday 7am
Backup - Past 7 files Weekly - Monday 7am

Authentication Type:

         Email link containing a unique url for students


Dean of Students Office

Functional Support Contact Name:

 Kate Demerse, Kristin Granderson

Technical Details:

Flat file contains the following feilds:

  • Course ID- Canvas Course ID.
  • Root Account - url root path for Canvas usage.
  • User ID - Emplid prefaced with PLT identifier (e.g., PLT123456789).
  • Role- Student is default value.
  • Status- Active is default value.



Article ID: 2751
Mon 1/23/23 2:10 PM
Thu 8/22/24 12:05 PM

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This option is used when requesting the removal of an existing integration between PASS and another application.
This service allows the user to request the creation, update, or removal of an integration between PASS and another application.
This option is used when requesting an update to an integration existing between PASS and another application.