What is ResNet?


ResNet is the Residential Network provided in the Residence Halls on the main UW-Platteville campus.


ResNet is the Residential Network in the residence halls on the main UW-Platteville campus. The internet connection provided in the halls for students is wireless (UWPLATT) as well as wired (ethernet) connections in each residents hall room.

How To Get Connected?


  • UWPLATT Network - You can connect to the UWPLATT wireless network with a majority of your devices. Laptops, desktops (w/wireless adapters), phones, tablet computers should all be able to connect using your campus netid/username and password.
  • UWPLATT-unsecure -  You can connect your gaming devices, some tablets, TV Streaming devices, and other devices to this network. You will need to register these devices to the network before getting an active connection.


  • Ethernet Connection - You can connect any wired device to the ethernet/wired connection within your room. There is one network connection per side of the room, one per person. The device(s) must be registered to the campus network before getting an active connection.


Students can either give the campus Help Desk a call or stop down to our offices for support needs with their campus connections. If an in person/on-site support call is needed the following guidelines apply:

  • Students (customer) must be present in their room while ITS staff are present.
  • ITS Students (on-site) are not allowed to work on components inside a computer. This needs to be done at the ITS Help Desk.
  • Prior to visiting your room, ITS will give you a call to confirm the appointment and that you are in your room currently.
    • If the student is not present ITS Staff may (a) cancel the appointment or (b) go to the student's room to attempt to keep the appointment. If a student cannot be contacted or is a "no show" ITS will not attempt to re-schedule the meeting. If a meeting is missed to either of these conditions, it is the student's (customer's) responsibility to contact the Help Desk and reschedule. 
  • ITS staff will do their best to resolve problems in a timely manner. Please remember that the staff are also students and may have to leave before a resolution has been reached to attend classes. If this is the case, we will continue to troubleshoot at a later time that work with scheduling.
  • If a resolution can not be reached the consultant may schedule another appointment and will document the work completed during the current appointment. Another consultant may be available to continue working on the problem.

Need help?

If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or helpdesk@uwplatt.edu.  You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.



Article ID: 4892
Tue 5/16/23 1:45 PM
Fri 8/30/24 1:57 PM

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