- Log into PASS CX
- There are multiple ways to add a course to your planner. If you find a course or a class in your degree progress report or via class search, look for a three-dot menu on the right which should have "Add to Planner" as an option. (If already in your planner, this option will no longer be available for that particular course.)
- For details on drilling down into the Degree Progress report, see PASS CX - Viewing the Academic Advisement (AAR) Report - HTML version
- For details on drilling down into Class Search, see the three PASS CX - Class Search Options articles that cover using Class Search, Course Catalog or Browse Classes features in the PASS CX Class Information Menu.
- When you've drilled down to a course that you would like to add to your planner, click on the to the right of the course and select Add to Planner. This will send the course over to your planner, into an unassigned term.
- In the PASS CX Dashboard, select Enrollment to expand it.
- In the Enrollment menu, select Planner.
- As mentioned previously, the course just added to the planner above will be in Unassigned.
- To move a course to a term, check the box to the right of the course and choose Move Selected.
- A pop-up will appear. From the drop down, choose the appropriate term and then select Move.
- At any time while you are planning and moving courses, you may run a Planner AAR PDF to see where your planned courses fall into your degree requirements. The Planner AAR button is at the top of the Planner page.
- Caution: Do not confuse the Planner AAR with your regular AAR tracking your degree progress. Watch for the Planner AAR header in green.
- In the Planner AAR, the courses in your Planner are included, so will appear to fulfill requirements. They are designated on the AAR PDF with a type of PL. In the example below, although the requirement is marked satisfied, it is using the Planned course to run a scenario, so is not actually satisfied yet. Run your AAR in the Enrollment - Degree Progress menu often to verify where you are with fulfilling your degree requirements.
If you have any questions about your Planner AAR, contact the Registrar's Office or reach out to your advisor.