PASS CX - Class Search Options - Course Catalog

1. Log into PASS CX

2. In the PASS CX Dashboard and select Class Information to expand it.

Class Information Menu - click to expand

There are three ways to search for Courses and or Classes.  First, the distinction between courses vs classes:

  • Courses - Offerings that are not necessarily offered every term.
  • Classes - Course sections that are offered a particular term.

Search options:

Instructions for Browse Classes: PASS CX - Class Search Options - Browse Classes

Instructions for Class Search: PASS CX - Class Search Options - Class Search

Course Catalog is a list of active courses, but not all are scheduled yet.  The list defaults to display all subjects, and then there is an option to drill down from there.

3. Select the Course Career first, then you may filter the subjects by Letter, or use the Search.

Use Filter or search field to drill down

4. Use the View Courses button.

5.  If scheduled, you will get a View Sections button, or you may also add the course to your planner (with student access).  Note the column that has when the course is typically offered to assist in your planning.

View Sections button

6. After clicking View Sections, offerings for courses will display.  For this example, sections are only offered on the main campus.

A term drop down will come up.  Choose one.

Select offerings, then view sections

Choose term for offering

7.  This will bring you down to the term level.  The three dot menu to the right will give you options you have security for.

three dot menu options


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Article ID: 6374
Tue 7/18/23 2:13 PM
Tue 9/19/23 9:36 PM

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Steps to display Course Catalog information in PASS CX.
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