Delegation of Authority: General Contract Approval, Signature Authority, and Reporting (RPD 13-1)

Delegation of Authority

The Board of Regents Authorizes the Secretary of the Board of Regents and the President of the University of Wisconsin System to sign contracts that bind the Board of Regents and/or UW System institutions.

The Board of Regents further authorizes the President of the University of Wisconsin System to: (1) delegate contract signature authority to other UW System Administration officials deemed to have the requisite knowledge, judgment, and operational need to exercise such authority; and (2) delegate to the Chancellors of UW System institutions the authority to sign contracts related to programs or operations of their institutions. 

Chancellors may further delegate contract signature authority to other UW System institution employees deemed to have the requisite knowledge, judgment, and operational need to exercise such authority. 

The President's delegations must be made in writing and filed in the Office of the President of the University of Wisconsin System. 

Chancellors' delegations must be made in writing, filed in the Office of the Chancellor, and reviewed periodically by an institution's internal auditor to ensure that named individuals are current employees and are exercising their signature authority appropriately. Individuals should be delegated signature authority only for the specific documents, or types of documents, needed to allow them to efficiently and effectively perform the responsibilities of their position.  

This delegation does not extend to real property and/or construction related contracts. 

DELEGATION TO: Provost or the Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance.

Letter of Delegation to Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost (attached file to article)

Letter of Delegation to Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance (attached file to article)

COMMENT: No limits. Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance are delegated authority to sign all contracts. The Ethics and Compliance Officer will annually review this delegation. This delegation is on file in the Chancellor's Office with a copy of the delegation by the President of the University of Wisconsin System.

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Article ID: 11878
Thu 3/28/24 2:59 PM
Thu 8/1/24 3:31 PM