Policy: Fee Approval Process

University Policy: Financial Administration
Author: Financial Services
Issue Date: November 12, 2015
Revised Date: January 25, 2017; June 28, 2019; September 12, 2022


The purpose of the policy is to provide guidelines for establishing university rate/fee schedules for goods and/or services rendered, especially goods and services offered in a recurring manner. This policy also provides guidelines for review and approval of those schedules.


The policy is concerned with rate/fee schedules that provide the university and its subunits with funding through the following sources: 

  • Auxiliary and segregated fee operations 
  • Sales and service charges 
  • Institutional service chargeback to other campus accounts 

This policy excludes consideration of the following topics:

The following UW System Administrative Policies and UW-Platteville policies impact this policy: 


Auxiliary Operations: Auxiliary operations are self-supporting programs that provide services directly or indirectly to students, faculty, or staff and charge fees related to the cost of services. These services typically include food services, student housing, and college stores. UW-Platteville has a designated group of auxiliary activities, all classified as Program Code 8. 

Segregated Fee Operations: Segregated fees are charges, in addition to instructional fees, assessed to all students for student services, activities, programs, and facilities that support the university’s mission. Segregated fees are charged to support such things as student health/counseling, intercollegiate athletics, the recreation complex, the student union, student activities, and municipal services. Segregated fee operations are accounted for in the 128 appropriation, Student Services Program Code 0. 

GPR/Fee-Funded Activities: Generally GPR/Fee accounts do not charge for goods and/or services. Examples of GPR/fee appropriations are 102, 104, and 105. If charging back for services is appropriate (for example, Physical Plant chargebacks), the activity is included in the budget development and allocation process. 

Revenue Producing Activities: These accounts include auxiliary operations, segregated fee operations, and all of the other charging activities not identified in the other definitions. An example of program revenue appropriations is Fund 136.


Prior to offering or charging for services or products, the rates for GPR/fee-funded activities, auxiliary operations activities, segregated fee activities, and program revenue activities must be developed and approved by the chancellor, or designee, according to the guidelines for implementation. 


Follow the Revenue Producing Activities Policy for the establishment of a new activity. [A copy of the policy, RPA Questionnarie, Appendix A and Appendix B are located under the forms tab of the Financial Services SharePoint] For existing activities, any fee changes will be approved through the budget process. On the five year budget model worksheet, please list all current fees as well as proposed rates for the next 5 years. Please indicate if the rate affects student billing. All proposed rate/fee schedules will be reviewed and approved for technical accuracy by the Budget Office. The Budget Office will present the entire budget, including fee schedules, to the Chancellor for final approval by March 15th of each year.

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Article ID: 13109
Thu 6/6/24 9:04 AM
Thu 6/13/24 3:29 PM