PASS Access



This service provides information on how to request access into the PASS system.

Information needed for Request to be Completed

The Access form contains 11 sections, one is required and 10 are optional depending on the access needed. Here are the instructions for each sections:

Section 1 (Employee Requesting Access Information) - This section is for the employee who needs PASS access for their job duties. This section is completed by the requester who could be the employee, supervisor, or somebody else request access on behalf of the employee. The employee will need to sign the form and agree to the terms later on once the from is approved by PASS Security Admins, Functional Analyst, and Content Owners.

Section 2 (PASS Area/Department Employee will need Access to) - This section is completed by the requester by selecting the access area/department the employee will need access to.

  • Admissions - Recruitment, Applicants, Test Scores, Education
  • Campus Community - Names, Addresses, Phones, Emails, Service Indicators, Organizations, Search Match, Adding/Updating/View Personal Data
  • Financial Aid - Loans, FASFA, Scholarships, Pending and Accepted Aid
  • Student Financials - Accounts, Charges, Payments, Waivers, Posting 
  • Student Records - Transcripts, Grades, GPA, Terms, Classes, Courses, Degrees, Advising, Programs, Plans, Transfer Credits, Student Groups
  • Satellite Systems - Distance Learning, Pioneer Athletic Center, Campus ID Office, Institutional Reporting, Information Technology Services, Campus Police, Student Support Services, New Student Registration,
  • Human Resources, Residence Life, Textbook Center, Student Affairs, Student with Disabilities, Veteran's Benefits, Academic Affairs, Alumni Services, International Student Services
  • PeopleTools and Reporting Tools - Query Manger, Query Viewer, BI/XML Publisher, Tree Manager, Tree Viewer
  • Personally Identifiable Information - Social Security Numbers, Date of Birth, ITIN
  • Test Access - Access to CSTA and CSQA test systems

Section 3 (Admissions) - This section is completed by the requester if Admissions Access was selected in Section 2. Please work with Admission for Role names, this section will later be completed by the Admission Functional Analyst and Director.

Section 4 (Campus Community) - This section is completed by the requester if Campus Community Access was selected in Section 2. Please work with the Campus Community Admins for Role names and the many different level of Campus Community Access available.

Section 5 (Financial Aid) - This section is completed by the requester if Financial Aid Access was selected in Section 2. Please work with Financial Aid for Role names, this section will later be completed by the Financial Aid Functional Analyst and Director.

Section 6 (Student Financials) - This section is completed by the requester if Student Financials Access was selected in Section 2. Please work with Student Financials for Role names, this section will later be completed by the Student Financials Functional Analyst and Bursar.

Section 7 (Student Records) - This section is completed by the requester if Student Records Access was selected in Section 2. Please work with Registrars Office for Role names, this section will later be completed by the Registrars Functional Analyst, Dean and Registrar.

Section 8 (Satellite Systems) - This section is completed by the requester if Satellite System Access was selected in Section 2. Please work with the Office/Department in which Satellite System you need access to for Role names, this section will later be completed by the Satellite System Department based on the name and email you entered.

Section 9 (PeopleTools and Reporting Tools) - This section is completed by the requester if PeopleTools or Reporting Tool access is needed Access was selected in Section 2. Please work with ITS for Role names, this section will later be completed by the PASS Security Admins.

Section 10 (Personally Identifiable Information) - This section is completed by the requester if Personally Identifiable Information Access was selected in Section 2. Please enter a short description on why the employee will need SSN/DOB access in PASS. Also provide the Senior Level approver for the department the employee works in.

Section 11 (Requestor) - This section is completed by the requester.

Section 13 (Security Admin) - This section is completed by the PASS security Admin when the Access has be fully approved and set in PASS for the employee to use.

How to get this Service

If you are unsure of what access or roles are needed please contact the department you are requesting access from. The four common departments for PASS data are Admissions, Student Records (Registrars), Student Financials (Cashiers), and Financial Aid. Each of these four departments has a PASS functional analyst that knows the access and roles for their department. They can either suggest a role or work with ITS on creating a new one.

Filling out the PASS Access Form:

The Access form can be completed by clicking the PASS Access Form link at the top of this page's right-side menu. [Return to top of page]

After the form has been submitted:

Once the form is completely filled out by the requester it will be sent to the PASS Security Admin for Review. The PASS Security Admin will Reject the form back to the requester if anything is missing or incorrect, if everything is correct the form will be approved and be sent to PASS Functional Analysts, Data Stewards, Content Owners from there it will go the Employee, Supervisor, Directors, Senior Level, and back to PASS Security Admins.

Here is the Full Linear Workflow:

PASS Security Admins > PASS Functional Analysts, Data Stewards, Content Owners > Employee (person who needs the access) > Supervisor of Employee > PASS directors, Bursar, Registrar, Dean > Senior Level (If PII (SSN/DOB) Access is needed > PASS Security Admins to complete access

Email notifications are automatically triggered for each step along the way updating the requestor and those who need to approve the form. Once the form is completed the requestor will receive a email letting them know the employee has PASS access requested and is ready for use.

At any time, the Requester can check on the status of the form by logging into the BP Logix Workspace. Click the PASS Access Form Status link in the right-side menu to review. 

  • To view in-progress forms,  look under the "My Outstanding Request" section.
  • To see completed forms or past submitted forms check under "My Submitted Forms".


Faculty, Staff, and student workers are all eligible to request PASS access.

Service Owner

Information Systems (PASS) & Integrations Team


There is no cost associated with this service.

PASS Access Form PASS Access Form Status


Service ID: 2523
Fri 1/6/23 7:53 AM
Mon 10/23/23 2:31 PM