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Need help with AV technology? Do you need A/V equipment to upgrade your conference room, office, classroom or lab?

Caption Request

Service request to reimage your compatible computer to Windows 11.

Services and requests for University owned computers.

Use this form to request updates or additions to the Continuing Education specific IT systems including: the CRM (mailing lists, events, reports, email templates, etc.), web, Sharepoint, short urls, Qualtrics, Canvas, or other specific IT need.

After student employees have completed the annual FERPA training, instructors can request enrollment in their course as a Grader, TA, or Grader/TA. Faculty and staff enrollment requests must come from the appropriate director, department chair, or program coordinator. Enrollment for students taking a course must be completed through PASS.

Course Support

Cross-Listing Canvas Courses

This form is for submitting an Digital Learning Materials Support Request. This covers electronic textbooks, integrated homework applications, and any publisher integration that is integrated with your Canvas course.