Search84 Results
- Services
- Security
- Access Management
Add Email Access
- Services
- Security
- Access Management
Add Printer Access
- Services
- Security
- Access Management
Add Workgroup Access
- Services
- Security
Configuration of an application to authenticate with UW-Platteville credentials using Single Sign-On
- Services
- IT Professional Services
Need help with AV technology? Do you need A/V equipment to upgrade your conference room, office, classroom or lab?
- Services
- Teaching and Learning
Caption Request
- Services
- Endpoint Computing
Form to notify ITS of a computer being assigned to a new user.
- Services
- Endpoint Computing
Service request to reimage your compatible computer to Windows 11.
- Services
- Endpoint Computing
Services and requests for University owned computers.
- Services
- Teaching and Learning
Use this form to request updates or additions to the Continuing Education specific IT systems including: the CRM (mailing lists, events, reports, email templates, etc.), web, Sharepoint, short urls, Qualtrics, Canvas, or other specific IT need.
- Services
- Teaching and Learning
After student employees have completed the annual FERPA training, instructors can request enrollment in their course as a Grader, TA, or Grader/TA. Faculty and staff enrollment requests must come from the appropriate director, department chair, or program coordinator. Enrollment for students taking a course must be completed through PASS.
- Services
- Teaching and Learning
Course Support
- Services
- Teaching and Learning
Cross-Listing Canvas Courses