The Make Me Admin application provides an account holder the ability to elevate to Administrator status temporarily in order to perform certain tasks like running software updates for applications, installing add-ons or plugins for certain applications, etc. Granting permanent "local administrator rights", as they're called, would impose a security risk and make account holders susceptible to attacks. Make Me Admin provides temporary administrator access for you to keep productivity high while reducing the security risk of being a local administrator. To request access to this application, please fill out the Make Me Admin Privilege request form in the Service Catalog.
How to use Make Me Admin on Campus Windows computers
- Launch Make Me Admin from the Start menu.

- When the application launches, it will check for local administrator privilege. If you do NOT have administrator privilege, the Grant Me Administrator Rights button will be enabled. If you DO already have administrator privilege, that button will be disabled, and the Remove My Administrator Rights button will be enabled.
Click the Grant Me Administrator Rights button. The application will elevate your access to administrator and minimize to the lower right corner (system tray).

- You should now be able to perform administrator tasks. If you receive a prompt from User Account Control to log in, log in using your campus user name and password.
- When you are done with your administrative tasks, you can remove your rights by double-clicking on the icon in the system tray. This will bring up the Make Me Admin window. Simply click the Remove My Administrator Rights.

Need help?
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.