Policy: Clean Indoor Air - Smoking

University Policy: Health & Public Safety


The Wisconsin Legislature has adopted the Clean Indoor Air Act, s. 101.123 Wis. Stats., which describes areas of public buildings where smoking is prohibited and where smoking can be regulated. Areas not described as either smoking prohibited or smoking regulated are treated as outside the scope of the Clean Indoor Air Policy.

General Principle

All persons who choose not to smoke have a right to clean indoor air. It is therefore the policy of The University of Wisconsin-Platteville that smoking is prohibited in all spaces of all University buildings, unless a sign specifically indicates that smoking is permitted, e.g., "Smoking Permitted," in that space.

Smoking Prohibited

In accord with actions taken by University governance bodies, The University of Wisconsin- Platteville prohibits smoking in any academic or administrative building. Smoking within 25 feet of any entrance or exit, or within 25 feet of any external air handling unit will be a violation of this policy. 

Grievance Pursuant to This Policy

An employee or student may grieve either enforcement of this policy or failure to enforce this policy. The grievance shall be brought either pursuant to existing University of Wisconsin grievance procedures or pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement in force for the position occupied by an employee.

A pdf of this policy is attached as a file to this article.

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Article ID: 11626
Fri 3/15/24 9:45 AM
Thu 6/13/24 3:51 PM