Delegation of Authority: Extramural Support for Instructional Programs (SYS 344)

Delegation of Authority

It is the policy of the UW System to accept extramural support for instructional credit programs. Extramural sponsors include the federal government, state government, school districts, private industry, agencies and other organizations. All extramural support for instructional programs must go through the institutional review process prior to acceptance. The sponsor should reimburse the University for direct program costs. 

Indirect costs shall be reimbursed consistent with Section C.V. of UW System Administrative Policy 342 (SYS 342), Segregated feed for off campus programs may be waived with the approval of the Chancellor or designee. 

DELEGATION TO: Provost or the Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
COMMENT: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance to review and set policy relating to segregated fees for programs not using campus facilities after consultation with the Chancellor.

Internal Notes

SYS 344 last updated July 7, 1997. References SYS 342 (last updated July 9, 2018).
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