Delegation of Authority: Other Delegations - Sale of Services

Delegation of Authority

The delegations below provide University signature authority to commit to the Sale of Services. The positions listed below are delegated authority to commit the campus to providing services for a negotiated fee. A member of the University's Compliance Team must review all such agreements prior to finalization to ensure provisions relating to liability are minimized and proper insurance coverage is provided for the event. Copies of the agreements must be submitted to Purchasing immediately following signature. 

Authorization to sign agreements relating to the use of outdoor athletic facilities by non-university entities. 
DELEGATION TO: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
COMMENT: Original contracts must be forwarded to the Purchasing Department for information and so funds may be encumbered through the issuance of a Purchase Order. The policies under UWS Chapter 21 Use of University Facilities policy prevails if there is a conflict between this delegation and that policy and the delegations under II. D.

Authorization to sign agreements for use of university facilities
DELEGATION TO: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
COMMENT: Original contracts must be forwarded to the Purchasing Department for information and so funds may be encumbered through the issuance of a Purchase Order. The policies under UWS Chapter 21 Use of University Facilities policy prevails if there is a conflict between this delegation and that policy and the delegations under II. D.

As part of the educational content of the operation of the student newspaper, student employees of the Exponent solicit advertising from potential advertisers. All resulting ad agreements must be reviewed and signed by the Student Exponent Faculty Advisor. 
DELEGATION TO: Student Exponent Faculty Advisor 
COMMENT: Original contracts will be kept on file by the Exponent staff and are subject to internal and external audits.

Authorization for indoor Markee Pioneer Student Center facility rental contracts.
DELEGATION TO: Director of Markee Pioneer Activity Center; Limit = $1,000
COMMENT: Delegated authority to sign normal operational contracts for indoor facility rentals up to a maximum limit of $1,000. The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Financce must sign historically unique contracts, long-term contracts, or contracts over the limit. Original contracts must be forwarded to the Purchasing Department for information and so funds may be encumbered through the issuance of a Purchase Order.

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Article ID: 11886
Thu 3/28/24 3:43 PM
Thu 8/1/24 12:24 PM