Delegation of Authority: Financial Delegations

Delegation of Authority

NOTE: Compliance with Pre-Audit duties will be signified by the initialing of the appropriate document (i.e. Voucher, Chargeback report, Requisition, etc.)

Accounts Payable Pre-Audit

DELEGATION TO: Accounts Payable Supervisor (or designee) or the Director of Student Financials

Telephone Chargeback Pre-Audit

DELEGATION TO: Chief Information Officer

Federal Cash Drawdown

DELEGATION TO:  Accounts Payable Supervisor (or designee) or Director of Student Financials

Payroll Pre-Audit

DELEGATION TO: Payroll and Benefits Specialist 

Facilities Management Chargeback Pre-Audit

DELEGATION TO:  University Engineer or Associate Facilities Director  

Postage Chargeback Pre-Audit

DELEGATION TO: Associate Facilities Director  

Printing and Duplicating Pre-Audit

DELEGATION TO: Communications Director


DELEGATION TO: UW Shared Services or Controller 

Student Employment Pre-Audit

DELEGATION TO: Student Employment Coordinator

Risk Management

DELEGATION TO: Environmental Health and Safety Manager