Delegation of Authority: Medical Withdrawal (SYS 807)

System policy issued 01/19/2021, effective 09/01/2021

6. Exceptions
Exceptions to any of the stated provisions in this policy can only be authorized by the chancellor or the chancellor’s designee. Any delegation of authority should be in writing and maintained in the designee’s offices. Documentation justifying exceptions should be maintained. Blanket exceptions are not authorized.
Delegation to: Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
Comment: None

C. Tuition and Fee Refund Schedule
If the central campus office overseeing medical withdrawals determines a refund of tuition and segregated fees is in order, UW institutions should follow the refund ranges listed in the tables within the policy. Exceptions to the schedule may only be granted by the chancellor or designee.
Delegation to: Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance
Comment: None