Student Handbook -- Daily Office Procedures

Beginning of the Day

  1. Punch in for work.
  2. Check your email, marker board, TVs, for any messages and assigned issues.
  3. Check voicemail for support call and enter issues in to TeamDynamix(TDX).
  4. Clear Caller ID if there are no suspect phone calls.
  5. Start going through support database and follow up with phone calls/onsite visits.
  6. Enter work done in database, as you do it.
  7. Check with Leads/Manager for tasks.
  8. Work on assigned projects.
  9. Regular NetReg Checks (
  10. Keep Office Clean.

End of Day

  1. Make sure that paper work is filed. (support waivers filed, throw away any notes)
  2. Verify that all computers in the office for repairs are labeled.
  3. Clean up office.
  4. Check to make sure that all Keys are in the key box.
  5. Place all food garbage in the lobby or outside garbage can.
  6. Leave any important info on the marker board for morning staff.
  7. Clear off caller ID.
  8. Make sure all checked in computers are secure.
  9. Punch out and log out of the hunt group.
  10. Turn off Lights.
  11. Lock Doors.

After Hours Procedures (*right now access is limited to business hours +/- 15 minutes)

As part of your employment, you are allowed to access the Help Desk or Hardware and the resources contained within.

  1. Absolutely NO visitors or guests in the Help Desk and other Support related offices.
  2. A reasonable noise level will be maintained. Both areas are offices, not lounges or party rooms.
  3. Resources such as tools, book, etc. will not leave the office area unless permission has been received from the Help Desk Manager.


Article ID: 5738
Fri 6/16/23 2:29 PM
Sun 8/27/23 11:30 AM