PASS CX - Displaying and Printing an Enrollment Verification

Complete the following steps to produce your enrollment verification:

1. Log in to PASS CX.

2. From the PASS CX Dashboard, select Enrollment to expand it.

Enrollment menu - click to expand

3. In the Enrollment menu, select NSC Enroll Verify.

NSC Enroll Verify menu item

4. This will take you to the National Student Clearinghouse external siteOn this page there are several options.  For an enrollment verification, use the "Obtain an enrollment certificate" link - you may choose Current enrollment (default choice) or All enrollment. 

NOTE: If UWP is between terms, no results may come up for current enrollment.  In that case, choose all or wait until the term of verification begins.  If you need a verification before the term begins, contact the Registrar's Office.

5.  Your enrollment verification should display as a PDF and can be printed.

If you have any questions, contact the Registrar's Office at 608-342-1321 or

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Article ID: 6379
Tue 7/18/23 2:55 PM
Thu 1/11/24 8:39 AM

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Instructions to display and print an enrollment verification through PASS CX.