IMPORTANT: If you have approved Degree Program Changes on your current AAR, they may not be reflected on your What-If. If you plan to formally change to the scenario you are running on the What-If, consult with your advisor.
CAUTION: SATISFIED includes courses that you entered as a Course Scenario and also courses in progress. So if you never enroll in the What-If course, or if you drop or fail an in progress course, a Requirement Group may no longer be fulfilled.
CAUTION: This is an example of an In progress course fulfilling a requirement. If you drop this course, the requirement will again become NOT SATISFIED. What If courses can also satisfy requirements. There is no way to tell on the HTML version that the course is a What-If course. It is recommended to instead run the PDF version of the What If AAR to look for What If courses. See the links below to see how to run the PDF What-if.
Use the bread crumbs at the top of the page to return to previous screens. Click or select the "..." to see additional details.
If you have any questions about your What-If AAR, check with your advisor or contact the Registrar's Office at or 608-342-1321.