CourseLeaf - CIM - Tips for the Course Picking Tool in the Program Administration Form

CourseLeaf CIM - Program Management

The CIM program proposal form can be found at

In the requirement window, requirements are built using the Course Picking tool.  To add a new requirement table, click on the tool icon at the top of the requirement window.

Table Icon

Tip #1 - How to add a header

Click on Add Comment Entry at the bottom left. Add the header to the Add Comment Entry pop up and click ok.  To make bold, check the area header box on the lower right.

Add Comment Entry

Tip #2 - How to add/remove courses to/from the requirement list

When you add courses with the course picking tool, the courses one the left are the courses to choose from and the ones on the right are on the requirement list.  To add a course, click on a course on the left to make it blue.  Click on the >> to move it to the right, or double click on the course.  To remove a course, highlight the course on the right and click the <<.

Arrows to add or remove courses

 Tip #3 - How to add a course using Quick Add

 To add a course to the requirement list, there is a shortcut called Quick Add.  On the bottom left of the course picking tool, there's a field where you can spell the subject and the catalog with one space in between.  The subject must be spelled exactly correct in order for this to work.  You can confirm the spelling when the course title comes into the right side of the course picking tool instead of "Course Not Found".

Quick Add

Confirm Title

Quick Add can also be used for new courses that have not been approved by UUCC or Graduate Council, but need to be added to a requirement list.  For instance, ENGLISH 1140 is going to be added to the requirement list, but it is not yet approved by UUCC.  Using Quick Add allows for the course to be added to the requirement list, and after approval, the course will be automatically updated with the course data after approval.  This allows for courses and programs to be in workflow concurrently.  It is required that the subject is in all caps and spelled correctly, followed by one space, then the future catalog number.

Tip #4 - How to use ANDs and ORs in the Course Picking tool

When adding courses to a list in the course picking tool, the list defaults to "and", meaning all of the courses in the list are required.  If you are creating a list of electives, for instance, you may want to use the indent checkbox.

In this example, there are several required courses, followed by a header (see tip #1) that says "Choose one from the following:"  

First, how many credits is this area worth?  Add that amount to the credit field when "Choose one of the following" is highlighted


Ands and Ors


Adding credits

Now, to create the courses below this header "ors" highlight each course and click intent at the bottom.  ART 2750, 2840 and 2920 are now ors.  Continue down the list until all are ors, as needed.

It's a good idea to click OK every once in a while to make sure the requirements look correct.

Check Progress

The headers are bold and divides the requirements for clarity.  The required courses where all of the courses need to be taken, are justified left and each course has credits on the right.  That make them an "and".  The Choose one from the following is bold and has three credits to the right.  The courses below are indented, which clears the credits on the right for those courses, making them "ors."

Another way to make an "or" is to use the functionality within the course picking tool.  To add an or, highlight the course on the right and enter the "or" course in the appropriate field.

or in course picking tool

After clicking OK, the courses will have an or between them.

or confirmation

 If you need to have more than one or, enter a comma and a space in between the courses in the "or" field.  The subject and catalog numbers must be spelled correctly with one space in between.  The title will not appear if incorrect.

or with more than two classes

confirmation with 3 ors

Tip #5 - How to use the Sum Hours tool - Part 1

Within the course picking tool there is a Sum Hours checkbox on the upper-right.  If you check that box, the credits within the box will be totaled and appear at the bottom.

Sum Hours checkbox

If Sum hours is clicked on the requirements from the previous tip, this is what appears:

Sum hours in requirements

Tip #6 - How to use the Sum Hours tool - Part 2

When courses have variable credits, that can create credit ranges in the total credits area.  If there are multiple courses with variable credits, that range can quickly become large.  There is a trick to make the credit totals appear as one number.

The trick is "What you see:What you get"

In the requirements above, I added a course which is 1-3 credits.  That changed the total credits to be 8-10

Variable Credit Sum Total

To change this to be one number, maybe 9 in this case. I add :2 to the credits on that course.

What you see - 1-3

What you get - 2


Sum total coding

Click ok and the total changes to one number.

New total after sum total coding

Tip #7 - How to add a Hyperlink in the Course Picking tool

If you need to add a link to another page within the catalog, you may do so using the course picking comment tool.

There is a formula to create this.  Open the course picking tool and for this example, the following was entered into the Comment Entry:

pagelink:/undergraduate/degree-requirements/bachelor-of-science-degree-core-curriculum/:On-Campus General Education

The part in red is the URL for the catalog page after the edu.

The part in blue is what title will appear on the requirement line.

Note in this example, the total credits were entered in the credit line. This amount will appear on the right and will be included in the Sum Total.

It is recommended to click Ok and confirm that the hyperlink not only looks correct, but also takes you to the intended page.

Hyperlink in course picking tool


Contact the Office of the Registrar at 608.342.1321,, or 

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Article ID: 6576
Mon 7/24/23 12:57 PM
Wed 2/14/24 3:46 PM

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