Search14 Results

Organization and levels within the University
Tips for editing a program in CourseLeaf CIM, Program Management, the online program proposal form to be used to create new or edit current programs.
Tips for proposing a new program in CourseLeaf CIM, Program Management, the online program proposal form to be used to create new or edit current programs.
Searching tips for CourseLeaf CIM, Program Management, the online program proposal form to be used to create new or edit current programs.
Tips for editing a program in CourseLeaf CIM, Program Management, the online program proposal form to be used to create new or edit current programs.
Instructions for viewing your Academic Advisement Report - PDF version (AAR)
Instructions for viewing your Academic Advisement Report - HTML version (AAR)
For admins (primarily department ADAs) with major edit access - how to add and maintain emphasis (subplan) areas in PASS.
Instructions for viewing a previously generated What-If Academic Advisement Report via Lookup Student.
Instructions for viewing your What-If Academic Advisement Report - HTML version (Newly Admitted, Pre-Matriculated Students)
Instructions on how to view Program information in CX.
Instructions for viewing your What-If Academic Advisement Report - PDF version (Current Students)
Instructions for viewing your What-If Academic Advisement Report - PDF version (Newly Admitted, Pre-Matriculated Students)
Instructions for viewing your What-If Academic Advisement Report for an Advisee in HCX - PDF version