PASS - Academic Structure (Staff)

Academic Structure 

Academic Structure defines the basic organization or levels within the university. This structure is then used throughout the Student Administration system by each of the functional areas (Admission, Registrar, Financial Aid, and Cashiers).

Any questions on historical codes not covered below may be directed to the Registrar's Office.

Institution - UWPLT "UW Platteville"

Campus (Student Home Location, Course Location) – MAIN "Main Campus", BRB "Baraboo/Sauk County", DIST "Distance"

Careers (Degree Level) – GRAD "Graduate", UGRD "Undergraduate" (XUG and XGR were no longer used as of Fall 2022, X-career students and courses were moved to like-careers.)

Groups (Defines a Course School or College or Campus) – BILSA, EMS, LAE (Main Campus), BRB (Baraboo Sauk), STYAB (Study Abroad), CONED (Continuing Education), then XUGRP and XGGRP (Distance)

Programs (Defines a Student School or College or Campus or Special):

  • Graduate (GEDUC Main Education, XGDE Distance, XGCP Distance Collaborative) – Students enrolled in graduate classes and are Masters level degree seeking.
  • Postbaccalaureate (PB) - Students seeking teacher certification.  They are not seeking a degree, but are able to accept some Financial Aid, so are not in a Special Program.
  • Special (SPECL Main Campus, SPBRB Baraboo Sauk, XSPUG Distance Undergraduate, XSPGR Distance Graduate) – Students attend classes on campus but are not seeking a degree.
  • Study Abroad (SABAD) – Students assigned this program are admitted through the Admissions office so they can receive financial aid.
  • Study Abroad (SABNA) – Students assigned this program don’t go through the Admissions office. They are handled by Registration.
  • Undergraduate Associate - (ASC Main Associate, BRB Baraboo Sauk Associate, XADE Distance Associate) - Students pursuing an Associate Degree.  Limited to Sophomore classification.
  • Undergraduate Bachelors - (BILSA, EMS, LAE Main, BRBB Baraboo Sauk, XUDE Distance, XUCP Collaborative) - Students enrolled in undergraduate classes and are seeking a degree.

Plans (Areas of study, majors, or minors) – Accounting, Civil Engineering, History.  UW-Platteville ties each Plan to a Program or a Career. 

Subplans (Emphases) – i.e. Students in Plan of Forensic Investigation choose between the subplan of Lab or Crime Scene.  Subplans may or may not be required for a particular plan.

Extension (EXTN) – Students enroll in classes through the Extension program and aren’t seeking a degree. These students are handled by Registration.

Academic Structure
When defining the academic tree the team used the following terms and definitions.

  • University:  An institution run independently that has common course work.
  • Career:    A grouping of all academic work undertaken by a student that’s grouped into a single student record.  Examples of careers are Undergraduate and Graduate (see above).
  • Group:  A college or school within a university. Groups are added to courses.
  • Campus: A campus within a university.  A campus is associated with course offerings, class sections, and students.
  • Program:  An entity within an institution to which a student applies, is admitted, and ultimately graduates.
  • Degree: A course of study, which includes University Requirements, General Education requirements, and a student's choice of study, which would include a plan and/or subplan.
  • Plan:  An area of study. Degrees are linked to plans.  Plans are generally majors, minors, certificates, pre-professional programs.
  • Subplan:   A division of the plan, linked directly to plans. Subplans are also known as emphases.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 608.342.1321 or

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Tue 7/11/23 11:40 AM
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