PASS CX - Viewing the "What-If" Academic Advisement Report (What-If AAR) - PDF version (Newly Admitted, Pre-Matriculated Students)

Below are instructions on how to run a What-If report. IMPORTANT: The University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee approves changes throughout the year prior to the fall for your first enrollment. Programs requirements are subject to change until the catalog of your admit term is published. (Spring admits follow the catalog published the most recent, previous Fall.)

  1. Log into PASS CX.
  2. From the PASS CX Dashboard, select Academics to expand it.

    Academics Menu - click to expand

  3. In the Academics menu, select What-If.

    What If Menu

  4. Read the What-If Information at the top of the page.
  5. Click Create Report.

    Create Report Button

  6. Read the What-If Information at the top of the page.
  7. The Career Scenario will default to your admit career and term. When the Office of Admission has completed evaluating your transfer credits, they will send an email explaining how to run your What If Academic Requirements report for your current program.

    Follow the steps below to run different scenarios:

    Program Change Scenario

    1. Working left to right, update the Program (College or Branch Campus), the Plan (Major or Minor), and, if applicable, choose a Sub-Plan (Emphasis). The program defaults to the Baraboo campus, so for Main campus students, update the program to the College of the major for which you wish to pursue. To find out what College your major is in, refer to the most current Catalog at

      Program Scenario

    2. To remove a program row, click on the trash can to the right. At least one program row is required.

      Program Row Deletion

    Program Addition Scenario

    1. Click Add Scenario. Working left to right, add the Program (College), the Plan (Major and/or Minor), and choose a Sub-Plan (Emphasis, Majors only), if applicable.
    2. Up to three rows may be added. You may remove a row by clicking the trash can to the right. At least one program row is required.

      Add Scenario

    Course Scenario

    1. Choose a Subject and a Catalog number to run a course scenario.

      Course Scenario

    2. Click Add Course. If there's more than one offering, for example, offered at more than one campus, choose the appropriate campus and click Add To What-If.

      Select Offering

    3. The term will default to the next future term. You may choose another future term.
    4. Choose the grade you anticipate to earn.
    5. You may remove the course scenario by clicking on the trash can to the right.
    6. You may add additional courses.

      Delete Course Scenario


    1. You may also choose to update a combination of the above.
  8. After the scenario(s) are set up, click Submit Report.

    Submit Report

  9. Click View PDF. This may take several seconds. If your report does not come up, be sure to check your pop-up blocker.
  10. This view is the PDF Version. The top of the PDF will be titled "Student Self Service What-If Report" and directly beneath, "Career Simulation Report - CAUTION: INCLUDES WHAT-IF COURSES", as to not be confused with the regular AAR or the Planner AAR. What this means is the What-If AAR includes courses that you entered as a Course Scenario and also courses in progress, so if you never enroll in the What-If course, or if drop or fail an in progress course, a Requirement Group may no longer be fulfilled, so it's important to check your regular AAR every term.

    what if header

    When you open the PDF version, you see requirements are grouped together. They are called Academic Requirement Groups. Academic Requirement Groups that to not have a red asterisks to the left and has "Satisfied" in black, bold print, are completed.

    PDF satisfied

    Academic Requirement Groups that are not complete are noted in red. Look for a bold, red asterisk * to the left and also Not Satisfied

  11. Each Requirement Group may contain one or more Requirement, which are indented below the Group. The requirements turn Satisfied as they are fulfilled, but the * will not go away on the Requirement Group until all of the Requirements under that Group are Satisfied.
  12. The Requirement Group or Requirement will contain details below on how to fulfill it. As you begin to fulfill the requirement, courses you took will appear and the details will reflect how much closer you are to fulfilling the requirement. (Term taken and Grades earned will appear as well.) Your goal is to have no red on your AAR. Type refers to how the course was taken, including EN (Enrolled at UW-Platteville), TR (Transfer), TO (Test Out) or WH (What-If).

    Remember: A requirement group will look Satisfied on the What If AAR if projected to be fulfilled with in progress and what-if courses. Look at the chart below the requirement to see what is fulfilling it. For What-If courses, the type will be "WH".

    Not Satisfied

    What-if course scenario

    NOTE: To see how all of your collapsed Requirement Groups were fulfilled once completely Satisfied, you must look at the HTML version. See below for a link to that KB.

  13. Your course history will be listed at the end of your AAR. This will contain all transfer, test out, in-progress courses, and even the What-If courses. It also notes any repeats taken or being taken.

If you have any questions about your What If AAR, check with your advisor or contact the Registrar's Office at or 608-342-1321.

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