Your EMPLID or STUDENT ID is a unique, 9-digit number that identifies you in our student information system [PASS]. You may need to provide this number when working with various campus offices [Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, Cashiers, Office of Professional Program Support, etc.] so that they can verify they are speaking with the correct applicant or student when trying to assist you. This document provides instructions on where to find your EMPLID or STUDENT ID in PASS.
- Navigate to PASS using the Pioneer Portal and log in.
- Select the My Profile folder in the left navigation menu to expand it.
- Your EMPLID or STUDENT ID can be found on the "General Information" page.

The page should display automatically. But if you see a different page, select the "General Information" page or "General Info" tab to view your information.

NOTE: You may also see a Campus ID number on this page. It is a 16-digit number associated with the ID Card issued to you by UW-Platteville when you became a student. This number will change if you are issued a new card for any reason.
Need help?
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.