Perceptive Content/Experience - Logging In - FAQ

Log in with Perceptive Content Desktop Client

Click on the Perceptive Content icon either on your desktop or in the Start Menu 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Enter your campus NetID and password and press the Connect button.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

** Please see the Duo section in this article.

Log in to Perceptive Experience Web Client

In your favorite or preferred browser (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari), please navigate to

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Enter your campus NetID and password and press the Connect button.


**Please see the Duo section in this article.

Perceptive and DUO

Duo two-factor authentication is required for Perceptive Content and Perceptive Experience.  The deviation from the norm is that the Duo screen you typically see on other software using Duo will not show up on your screen.  Instead, Duo will automatically process the default method you have set in Duo.  In other words, if you have Duo set to automatically send a PUSH to your cell phone, it will do so without prompting on the computer screen, "please check your phone".  

To force a Duo response method, replace your password with the following based on the Duo method you'd like:

Phone PUSH: Enter your password with a comma and then the word "push" (ie: mypassword,push)

KeyFOB: Enter your password with a comma and then the number from the keyfob (ie: mypassword,123456)

YubiKey: Enter your password witt a comma and then press the YubiKey (ie: mypassword,casdasdvasdfasdraseasdf)


Need help?

If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or  You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.