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Instructions to display and print an unofficial transcript in the PASS CX student homepage.
Instructions on how to request an official transcript for both current and former students.
Staff instructions for running an unofficial transcript or a transfer summary report in PASS.
Instructions for faculty and staff on how to submit grades into PASS.
Instructions on how to to view your course history in PASS CX.
When you create a grading scheme in Canvas, it is possible to sync your final course grades from the Canvas Gradebook to PASS at the end of the term. In PASS, you can review the grades before submitting them to the Registrar. Grades do not officially get submitted until you log into PASS and approve them.
Students may grant a third party (for example, a parent, spouse, or employer) access to certain features within PASS Campus Experience. These instructions document the process to add a guest.
View your Satisfactory Academic Progress
Instructions on how to view your grades in PASS CX.
These are only the top five questions we receive from parents. Feel free to search this knowledge base (KB) for additional information about technology at UW-Platteville.