PASS CX - Viewing Course History

1. Log into PASS CX

2. On the PASS CX Dashboard, select Academics to expand it.

Academics Menu - click to expand

3. In the Academics menu, select Course List.

Course List

The course list is a list of your complete course history, but also includes courses from transfer, courses in progress, courses in the Planner, and also in the current term cart.  The list defaults to alphabetical order by subject, then catalog number. 

4. If you click on any column header, you can re-sort by that column.  Clicking on the same column again will sort in either ascending or descending order. 

Course List Filters

5. Drop downs at the top of the page allow filtering based upon either status or grade earned.  Click one or more boxes to the left to filter.

IMPORTANT: The column on the right indicates a course's status, which include the following:

Taken - Indicates a course was completed at UW-Platteville.

Symbol for Taken

Planned - Indicates a course is in the Planner.  It also displays to what term the course was assigned.

Symbol for Planned

Transferred - Indicates a course was earned through transfer.  This could include credits earned from courses, tests, or other credit (Veteran, Retroactive, etc.)

Symbol for Transferred

In Cart - Indicates a course is in the shopping cart in the current term.

Symbol for In Cart

The search feature is a free-form way to search for courses, and searches all columns.

Need help?

If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or  You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.


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Article ID: 6248
Thu 7/13/23 1:22 PM
Wed 9/20/23 6:50 AM