Policy: Emerit Policy for Academic Staff

University Policy: Human Resources


Emerit status is an honorary designation conferred upon retirees to recognize their contributions and accomplishments over their university careers.

Emerit status can be conferred only on retiring employees who have activated a Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Annuity. Candidates should meet these criteria:

The Academic Staff member must have at least 10 years of service at UW-Platteville.

  1. The Academic Staff member must be officially retiring from the University of Wisconsin System.
  2. The Academic Staff member must have provided extensive service, beyond regular job duties, to UW-Platteville and/or UW System through activities such as committee service, Academic Staff governance, study groups or task force participation, and community service.
  3. The Academic Staff member will be granted emerit status at the title held by the Academic Staff member at the time of retirement.
  4. Exceptions to these guidelines may be made if recommended by the department chair/supervisor and approved by the Provost and Chancellor after consultation with the UW-Platteville Academic Staff Personnel Commission.

Application Procedure

Application materials should be submitted to the Academic Staff Personnel Commission. The Academic Staff Personnel Commission will review the request and forward our recommendations to the Provost for final approval.

  1. Materials may be submitted at any time throughout the academic year.
  2. The Academic Staff member may initiate the application process for emerit status, or nomination may be initiated by the supervisor/area head.
  3. Departmental or unit support for emerit status should be demonstrated via a formal letter of recommendation from the supervisor or area head.
  4. The Academic Staff member should demonstrate extensive service to the university by providing:
    •  A current resume
    •  A narrative summary of accomplishments and a record of service to the university and community

Privileges of Emerit Status

Individuals with emerit status may retain their UW-Platteville identification cards for use in Karrmann library, the Pioneer Activity Center, bookstore, and other campus facilities. The ID card will provide emeriti with any discounts (including, but not exclusive to, PAC membership, bookstore sales, sporting events, and fine arts productions) afforded to current employees. They are also eligible for parking privileges. They will automatically retain their computer account(s), which includes e-mail and Internet access. Those wishing to obtain a parking permit can do so by completing a form with the University Police. The University Police will then verify the emerit status with the chancellor’s office and issue a non-expiring parking permit which can only be used by that individual. The parking permit is valid in any staff parking lot.

Approved by Personnel Commission March 8, 2016
Approved by Academic Staff Senate November 7, 2016
Approved by the Chancellor/Provost December 16, 2016

Revised September 22, 2022

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Article ID: 13049
Fri 5/31/24 3:37 PM
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