Residence Hall Card Access FAQ

How do I manage Campus Cash funds?
What do I do if I lose my card or if it is stolen?
Who do I see if my card doesn't work?
Do I need to do anything other than check out if I move off campus at the end of the academic year?  What if I move during the academic year?
What do I do if I move between halls during the year?  Will I have access to both halls during the move?
If I leave my card at home and my parents mail it to me, what can I do in the meantime?
 How do I access a building if I don’t live there?
If I need to reset or replace my card, what information do I need to provide?
Is there a fee for a lost or damaged card?
Where do I report money missing from my account?
Who do I report suspected misuse of cards to?


Need help?

If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or  You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.

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Article ID: 4793
Tue 5/9/23 1:10 PM
Tue 10/24/23 9:42 AM