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FAQ and the process for requesting PASS Access for New and Current Employees
When a student requests access for a guest in PASS, the guest receives an email with a link to a temporary password. After logging into PASS for the first time, the guest is encouraged to change this temporary password. This document outlines the process to follow.
Students may grant a third party (for example, a parent, spouse, or employer) access to certain features within PASS Campus Experience. These instructions document the process to add a guest.
​​​​​​​Guest User Access allows students to give a 3rd party (i.e. parent, spouse, and/or employer) access to selected features within PASS. Guests will receive their own username and password which will allow them to log directly into PASS and access the information granted by the student.
Whenever someone tries to log into your account, Duo will send you a notification and ask you to verify that it is you. These are the steps to take if you receive a notification which you did not initiate as your account may be compromised. NOTE: The Duo phone call option for two factor authentication was disabled April 11, 2022. A phone call for authentication to UW-Platteville systems will ALWAYS be cause for concern.
Location and specifics of GCA computer labs on campus.
A signed access approval form must be submitted to the Business Intelligence Administrator at least two days prior to training.
An FAQ covering issues related to the card access system in the residence halls as well as campus cash funds.
Instructions for retrieving your forgotten UW-Platteville password using your challenge responses
Requirements for UW-Platteville account passwords and the notification process for passwords which are about to expire.