Accounts - Account provisioning for employees

Beginning of Employment

An employee's account is created up to 90 days prior to the employee's official start date as entered into HRS by Human Resources. When an account is created, a UW-Platteville email address and an online storage home directory (J:\) are automatically provisioned. For faculty and instructional academic staff, PASS access is automatically granted when an instructor is associated with a course. Any additional access, e.g. to S:\ folders and printers, must be requested by the supervisor through the ITS Help Desk. 

End of Employment

A separated employee's account remains active for 60 days after the last day of employment as entered into HRS by Human Resources*. During those 60 days, the separated employee retains access to email, network storage (J:\ drive, S:\ drive, etc) and all applications they have access to except PASS. See below for tips on "Preparing for account disablement".

*NOTE: Exceptions to this rule are handled on a case-by-case basis.


A separated employee's access to PASS ends on their last day of employment as entered into HRS by Human Resources.  Exception: Faculty and advisors maintain their PASS access for 60 days past the last day of employment like their email and network drive access.  

Free Microsoft Office applications will also expire

If you have downloaded any of the free Microsoft Office applications associated with your UW-Platteville Microsoft 365 account, these too will expire when your account is disabled. UW-Platteville has no control over the exact date of Microsoft software expiration. 

Supervisors: Removing access

Supervisors are responsible for letting ITS know if they want employee access to other systems such as network storage and printers removed earlier than 60 days after the last date of employment.  
If there is an immediate termination (someone walked off campus), please contact Human Resources and request that access be terminated as quickly as possible. 

Preparing for account disablement

By planning accordingly, you can avoid missed email, lost files, and disrupted work flow. Before your account is disabled:

  • Take your personal files with you (from network drives, OneDrive, and Teams) by downloading to a personal computer or portable storage device or transferring to another cloud service
  • Well in advance, open a new email account with another service, e.g. Gmail, and notify your contacts, professional colleagues, etc. of the new contact information.
  • NOTE: You may redirect your UW-Platteville email to another account for the interim, if you wish.  However, this will result in you receiving all messages sent to you individually as well as to employees and the larger campus community until your account is disabled.
  • Set up an auto-reply on your M365 account notifying senders that you are no longer with the university. Include new contact information at your discretion. The auto-reply will work only during the window until your account is disabled.

Permanent deletion

When your UW-Platteville employee account is disabled, your Office 365 account and its contents will be deleted. After 18 months, your UW-Platteville account is permanently deleted along with the contents of your home directory (J:\).

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