Steps to run a process or generate a file
After navigating to the report you want to produce, and define the parameters for the report, click the Run button to display the Process Schedule Page.
Complete the following steps to run a process
1. On the Process Scheduler Request Page define the following.
A. Type
B. Format
2. Click OK to run the report and return to the report parameter page.
Click Cancel to return to the report parameter page.
3. On the report parameter page the click the "Process Monitor" link to display the Process Monitor page.
4. After the process has completed successfully locate the report you want to view.
5. Click the Details button to display the Process Detail Page.
NOTE: Click the Go back link to return to the report parameter pages.
6. Click View Log/Trace to display the View Log/Trace page.
7. Click the *.pdf file associated with the report you wish to view.
Process Scheduler Request Page
The Process Scheduler Request page allows you to submit a job or process to run. This component is commonly integrated into applications to support process requests made from the application by clicking Run. The Process Request page enables you to specify such variables as where a process runs and in what format the process output will be generated.

Complete the following steps to generate the report:
1. Verify a checkmark displays in the Select checkbox.
2. Verify the Description, Process Name, and the Process Type are correct for the report.
3. Click on the down arrow to set the Type field. Valid options are:
Web (default) - Sends all output of the process to the report repository, including log and trace files. The format of the report is specified by the format list.
Email - If you want a report to be distributed, or sent to a particular email list, you can enter the appropriate distribution information or email address in the Distribution Detail page by clicking on the Distribute Link.
File - This enables you to write the output to a file that appears in the Output Destination.
Window - Sends the output to a new browser window. The status of the process now appears in the new browser window before displaying the results. The different states can be Queued, Initiated, Processing, Success, Error, or Warning. All output for the process is also sent to the report repository, including log and trace files. The format of the report is specified by the format list.
5. Click on the down arrow to set the Format field. The output types available are dependent on the Process Type you have selected. Valid options are:
TXT (default) - generate the file as text files or the format that is specified in the process.
CSV - generates the file in a comma-delimited format.TXT (default) - generate the file as text files or the format that is specified in the process.
HTM (*.htm) - generates the file in a HTML format.
PDF (*.pdf) - generates a file that can be opened using Acrobat. However, this format requires the Acrobat Reader be installed on the computer.
XLS - generates files as XLS format.
XML - generates files as XML format.
The Distribution link displays the Distribution Detail page that allows you to enter additional distribution information when the output destination type is WEB or Email.
6. Click OK to run the report. Click Cancel to return to the report parameters page.
Process Monitor
After you have submitted the job using the Process Scheduler Request page, you use Process Monitor to review the status of scheduled or running processes. You can view all processes to see the status of any job in the queue, and control any processes you've initiated.
Some of the tasks you can complete with Process Monitor:
• Check the status of your submitted process requests.
• Cancel process requests that have been initiated or are currently processing.
• Hold process request that are queued and queue process requests you've put on hold.
• Delete completed process request from the queue.
• Transfer from a completed process request to a pre-designated panel.
You display the Process List page by completing one of the following:
• Select People Tools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor.
• Click Process Monitor on the report page.
Process Monitor is comprised of two pages: the Process List page and the Server List page. The Process List page lets you monitor the process request you’ve submitted, and the Server List page lets you monitor the Process Scheduler Server Agents within your system.
To check the current status of a process, refresh the list by clicking Refresh.

You can get details about a particular process request by clicking the Details link in the Details column.
Process Detail Page
This page is where you can view such details as request parameters and message logs.

The Process group box contains general information to help you identify the process request. This is a display-only group that shows basic descriptive information about this process.
The Run group box shows specific run information, such as the run control ID and the run location. If the process runs on the server, the server name appears in the Server field and any run recurrence that you select appears in the Recurrence field.
Update Process
The actions you can take under Update Process depend on your user authorizations and the current status of the request. The Update Process section is available only if your user ID is authorized to update the select request. Otherwise, this section is disabled, and you can't alter the current status.
If you are authorized, you have the following options for the process request selected.
• Hold Request
• Queue Request
• Cancel Request
• Delete Request
• Restart Request
Of course, which option you select depends on the current run status of the process request. For instance, you can't cancel a job that has already completed, and you can't hold a request that is currently processing. The valid actions based on the current status of each process request appear in the following table.
Status Table
Current Status |
Valid Action(s) |
Hold |
Queue, Cancel |
Queued |
Hold, Cancel |
Initiated |
Cancel |
Processing |
Cancel |
Error |
Delete |
Cancelled |
Delete |
Successful |
Delete |
Unsuccessful |
Delete |
Not Posted |
Resend, Delete |
NOTE: You must click OK to confirm your Update Process radio button request on the Process Detail page.
The Date/Time group box shows when the request was submitted and selected to run. It also shows the actual process Begin and End times. If the request fails at initiation, the Begin and End times don't appear. These statistics are for display only.
Request Created On - This specifies at what time the request appeared in the Process Request table (PSPRCSRQST).
NOTE: Request Created On is the same as Start Request on the recurrent Definition page.
Run Anytime After - This specifies the time at which the user selected File, Run in the application.
Began Process At – shows the actual date and time that this request was selected and initiated. For server-based requests, there could be a large gap between the Request Created On and Began Process At vaules, due to Process Scheduler Server Agent sleep time and other server processing activity.
End Process At – Specifies at what time a process request status gets updated to Success.
The Actions group box contains links to other pages that give you additional details about your process parameters. The following topics describe the actions you can perform on submitted process request.
Process Request Parameters
The Process Request Parameters page provides additional information about the process parameters. At the top of the page, there's a Process section, just like in the Process Detail page. It provides the same general information about the process so you can easily identify it.
Message Log
Click the Message Log link to view any messages that the program you invoked might have inserted into the Message Log.
NOTE: This option is available for Application Engine and COBOL processes only.
Batch Timings
The Batch Timings report is a set of statistics that system administrators want to study as they tune the system to gain better performance. This report relates specifically to Application Engine program performance.
Once a process completes and it has an associated page defined as a transfer page, you can click this link to go directly to the page. Usually, you use this feature to check the data updated by the background process.
This option has been left in Process Monitor for backward compatibility with version 7.5 of the system. The Message Log has replaced this option for use with more current releases of Peopelsoft.
Report/Log Viewer
When you click the View Log/Trace link, a new browser window launches with links that enables you to view the message log and trace file in your browser. The View/Trace link appears in the Process Monitor Detail page when at least one of the following conditions are met:
- The output destination for the process request is Web and the report and log files were successfully posted to the Report Repository by the Distribution Agent. The process must have a run status of Successful.
If the report hasn't been transferred to the Report Repository, the run status of the process request will remain as Posting and the View/Log link will not be visible. If the status of the request remains Posting, check the Message Log for any messages from the Distribution Agent indicating that there were problems transferring files to the Report Repository.
- The process request ran from a Process Scheduler Server Agent that was setup using the Server Definition page with a Distribution Node. You must also have selected to transfer log files to the Report Repository when you setup the preferences on this page.
The View Log/Trace option can only be viewed from the Web.
Click the files to view the files or download them, some files may open in browsers and others may need to be downloaded to view.
Need help?
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.