File Path Scenarios
A majority of the reports will be located in the Process Monitor. Some reports still generate a report or extract to the drop box. Listed below are the possible file path scenarios. File path scenarios are case sensitive.
Custom processes
Use a keyword variable at the beginning file-path. Currently there are three keywords that may be used. The keyword used depends on where the file should be generated. Personal drop box will use the "%USER%" keyword . [Note %USER% does not mean username (that is added automatically)]. Group drop box will use the "%GROUP%" keyword. Below are two examples of how keywords will be used in the file path.
%GROUP%/[Group Name]/[Group subfolder]/[filename.ext]
%EXTRACTS%/[Extract Name]/[filename.ext]
(Custom process with new file path using the "USER" keyword)

(Custom process with new file path using the "GROUP" keyword)

Delivered processes
The path should be entered as the following : /mnt/psdropbox/User/[username], /mnt/psdropbox/Group/[Group Folder Name] or /mnt/psdropbox/Extract/[Extract Folder Name]. Below are two examples of delivered process file path.
/mnt/psdropbox/Group/[Group folder name]
/mnt/psdropbox/Extracts/[Extract folder name]
(Delivered example one with file path)

(Delivered example two with file path)

File Name Guidelines
A file name, also called a filename, is a string (i.e., a sequence of characters) that is used to identify a file.
Some run control pages in PASS require a file name. A unique and descriptive file name should be created following these guidelines:
- No Spaces (use underscores)
- No Specials Characters (except underscores, hyphens and periods)
- Alphanumeric (Case Sensitive) is allowed ex. A-Z a-z 0-9
- Should be greater than 1 character but less than 20 characters (depending on file path length)
Some file names require a file extension (.csv, .txt, .xml, etc), make sure to add the file extension if require.
Process Monitor
The Process Monitor is accessible from the page where the process is run. The link is located at the upper right corner of the run control page.
1. Select the Process Monitor Link

2. Select the Details link of the process that was completed.

3. Select View Log/Trace link.

4. Select the output file generated for the process. The file can be opened within the browser window or it can be saved to another location. Open it in the browser window by selecting the file link. Save it to a new location by right-clicking on the file link and selecting Save Link As.

With the new file path scenarios, ITS recommends using a unique run control ID for each process/report. To setup a new run control ID:
1. Navigate to the run control page for the process, click Add a New Value, type in a new Run Control ID, and click Add.

Need help?
If you have questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 608.342.1400 or You may also visit the Help Desk on the first floor of the Karrmann Library.