NOTE: For Pre-Matriculated students, who are still with Admissions, and do not yet have a Program/Plan on the Student Records side, Copy Current Program will not work. The What-If can still be generated, but the values must be added manually.
Changes may be made to the Student Program/Plan (see Scenario Examples below), allowing an AAR scenario to be generated, using the What-If Course already added.
The Student Program/Plan screenshot above shows the student has two plans, so it says 1 of 2 on the plan level. To see the second major, click the arrow directly to the right to move to page 2.
Note: All Requirement Terms should be the same across the Program, Plan, and Sub-plans.
Plans (Majors) belong to a particular college/campus, in a parent-child relationship. To add or change a major, the student must have that program. Minors can be added to any program.
*The plus sign corresponds with the level, for instance, an additional program (college) would be the top plus sign, another plan (major or minor) would be the middle plus sign, and an additional sub-plan (emphasis) would be the bottom plus sign.
**Similar to the plus sign, the minus sign corresponds with the level, however, because of the parent-child relationship, if you delete a program (college) with top minus sign, that will also delete the plans and the sub-plans below.
IMPORTANT: If the only scenario being generated is adding a What-If course, and no changes are being done to the program, the program information still needs to be copied or the What-If will not generate. Click View/Change the Career Simulation, Copy the Current Program and click Ok. (For Pre-Matriculated students, the program information will have to be manually added to generate a What-If for a course scenario.)
CAUTION: SATISFIED includes courses that were entered as a Course Scenario and also courses in progress, so if the student never enrolled in the What-If course, or dropped or failed an in progress course, a Requirement Group may no longer be fulfilled.
CAUTION: This is an example of an In-Progress course fulfilling a requirement. If this course is dropped, the requirement will again become NOT SATISFIED. What-If courses can also satisfy requirements. There is no way to tell on the HTML version that the course is a What-If course. It is recommended to run the PDF version of the What-If AAR to look for What-If courses. See the links on the right to see how to run the PDF What-If.
Use the breadcrumbs at the top of the page to return to previous screens. Click or select the "..." to see additional details.
If you have any questions about your What If AAR, check with your advisor or contact the Registrar's Office at or 608-342-1321.