Search5 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative and Business
- Student Information System (PASS)
Class Search in PASS CX provides students, faculty, and advisors easy and fast access to available course details.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative and Business
- Student Information System (PASS)
Class Search in PASS CX provides students, faculty, and advisors easy and fast access to available course details.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative and Business
- Student Information System (PASS)
Complete the following steps to print your class schedule.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative and Business
- Student Information System (PASS)
Schedule Builder is a tool accessible within PASS which allows students and/or advisers to create a schedule of classes for a specific term. With Schedule Builder, students may factor in obligations such as work or practice and generate various schedules from which to choose.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative and Business
- Student Information System (PASS)
- PASS Application and Access
How to add a Class Permission, which overrides a closed class, a prerequisite or consent. Also how to allow registration in the second week of the term, or also allow a drop with permission.