The following are instructions to run batch AARs in PASS. Users with Administrative Access may run batch AARs, i.e. generally these users also have access to Student Services Center (Student).
NOTE : If you are planning to run multiple batches in a single day, contact the Registrar's Office to set up your own set of Report Identifiers. (See #6c below)
- Log into PASS.
- Click on the Student Success Workcenter Tile.

- On the left, click on Batch Advisement Report to expand that menu.
- Click on Generate Report Requests . First you will need to create a Run Control. A Run Control can be named anything that is meaningful to you. It allows you to save your settings on this page for future use. The same Run Control name is going to be used throughout this process.
- To create a new run control, click on the Add a New Value tab. After entering a Run Control name, click Add.

- If you already have run batch AARs before, search for your Run Control ID in the Find an Existing Value tab and select it to open the page.
- Fill in the section on the page called Advisement Report Request Data
- Academic Institution - choose UW Platteville
- Report Type - SSAR
- Report Identifier - BATCH*
*A Report Identifier this is a way for PASS to differentiate from one batch from another on the same report date. If you are running lots of batches in one day, it's best to have your own set of Report Identifiers. Contact the Registrar's office for more information. If you are only running one set on a single day, select BATCH.
- Report Date - Current Date
- As of Date - 01/01/3000, to get the most up-to-date data. Note: This will not work for a discontinued student. See PASS CX - Generating an Academic Advisement Report (AAR) for a Discontinued Student (Admin)

- Choose how you are going to select your population of students. Administrative users may choose from using a Population Selection Query or Student Select List. Both may not be used at the same time.

Make sure the Population Selection box is checked (1). Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the Query Name field (2). The queries for this process begin with SAA_RPT_. Choose SAA_RPT_ADVISOR (3) .
Click Edit Prompt (4) and enter SSAR for the report type and the ID for the advisor . Click OK . Save .

Skip to # 7 to continue with running the batch with pop select, or use Student Select below.
Student Select List.
Uncheck Population Selection and check Use Student Select. The student select list section will expand. If IDs are present from a previous run, you may click Clear List to start over.

Enter IDs and click + on the right to add additional rows. Once complete, click Save .
- Click Run . On the next screen that will pop up, click OK , to run the Advisement Report Request Process (SAA_RPT_RQST).

- Click on Process Monitor to make sure that the process is successful, indicated by the Run Status going to Success and the Distribution Status goes to Posted . (Click Refresh every 10 seconds or so to refresh that data)

- Go to the next page below in the menu, called Generate Advisement Reports .
- Use the same run control name as created from the first step.
- Add the following to the Run Control page
- Academic Institution - UWPLT
- Report Type - SSAR
- From and To dates should be current date. This date MUST be the date from the first page.
TIP : If updating from a previously saved run control with old dates, update the To date first, save, then the From date.
- Report Identifier : Same one as used on the page above. (BATCH)
- Save .

- Click Run , then OK on the pop up that appears to start the process Advisement Report Generation (SRPCAAPR).

- Click on Process Monitor and confirm the Process (SRPCAAPR) is successful and posted. (Click Refresh every 10 seconds or so to refresh that data)

- Now go to the third page in the menu called Print Batch Reports
- You must use the same run control ID. Set up the run control.
- Academic Institution - UWPLT
- Report Type - SSAR
- From Request Date and To Request Dates should be current date. This date MUST be the date from the first page.
TIP : If updating from a previously saved run control with old dates, update the To Request Date first, save, then the From Request Date.
- Report Identifier : Same one as used on the page above. (BATCH)
- Save .

- Click Run , then OK to run the process Advising Batch Report Print (SAA_BATCH_DS).

- Click Process Monitor on the original page to monitor the process SAA_BATCH_DS is successful. When Success and Posted is there, click on Go back to Print Batch Reports .

- Click on Report Manager, then on the Administration Tab. A pdf file should appear in the list and be a hyperlink. Click on the hyperlink to open the pdf file of the AAR batch.

Need help?
If you have any questions, contact the Registrar's Office at or 608-342-1321.