Popular Services

General Support Inquiry

Service request to reimage your compatible computer to Windows 11.

After student employees have completed the annual FERPA training, instructors can request enrollment in their course as a Grader, TA, or Grader/TA. Faculty and staff enrollment requests must come from the appropriate director, department chair, or program coordinator. Enrollment for students taking a course must be completed through PASS.

Form to notify ITS of a computer being assigned to a new user.

This PASS-related service will be used to request assistance with questions or issues that are not relevant to any other existing PASS service category available.

Request to move computer, docking station, monitor(s), phone, local or network printing devices.

Phone Reassignment

Services and requests for University owned computers.

Phone Expansion Module (KEM) Update

Digital Signage Request Service offers several service offerings. These include New Installation, Add or Remove Access, Graphic Design Assistance, General Training, and Other. Other will be used more as a general inquiry for the Digital Signage across campus.

Related service requests can be used to request technology training.

Incident Report

NetID Change Request

Phone Disconnect

Request to move a phone to a different building or room.

This PASS-related service allows the user to request the creation, update, or removal of an enhancement to a PASS page or process.

Request access for SharePoint Online